Summer 2025 PD for K–12 teachers: Registration is now open!
to friends at home
October 7, 1862
Beach, Elias William, 1841-1921
Letter provides descriptions of Baltimore and Washington, D.C., and discusses army life. Letter written from "Camp Lesley, Near the Navy Yard," in Washington, D.C.
January 1, 1863
Letter includes a description of army life.
[Diaries of Elias W. Beach] [decimalized]
Seven diaries, including 5 covering the Civil War years. Diary 1 contains the years 1858 and 1861; diary 2 contains 1862; diary 3 contains 1863; diary 4 contains the years 1863-1864; diary 5 contains the rest of 1864; diary 6 contains 1865; and...
[Collection of Elias W. Beach] [decimalized]
Contains documents related to Beach, who served in Company F of the 50th regiment, New York engineers. Includes 16 autograph letters or autograph notes signed, 8 autographs from military notables, a land contract, a typed genealogical document...
August 4, 1863
"Hope Genl Meade will not let Lee get in possession of Fredericksburg again for I dont like that place. How about the draft... I have better times here than though I were at home. At least I have no manual labor to perform..."
October 18, 1863
"We came very near going to Fredericksburg again, and would have gone had the army not taken the position it [has]."
to his mother
October 13, 1863
Comments on money he previously sent home. Notes, "Regiments came into camp yesterday morning having marched from Rappahannock Station a distance of over 60 miles in less than two days..."
March 22, 1863
Written near Fredericksburg. "My love for my country is as strong and ardent to day as it was the day I signed my enlistment papers and so long as there is breath in me I will be true to my country..." Discusses the future of their family farm, does...
April 1, 1863
Letter written near Falmouth. He comments on the band playing outside of General Benham's tent "and consequently in front of the tent in which I am writing." Notes that, "Genl Benham believes in having the Regiment togather [sic]..."
[Land contract]
March 17, 1873
Partially printed. Also signed by Henry Anthony and S. N. Smith.
[Diary 1858-1861]
Contains various personal content. Covers 1858 and 1861, but skips most of the time in between.
[Diary 1862]
Autograph manuscript signed. Beach writes the first half of the diary as a civilian. The second half contains a large amount of information about training, camp life, guard duty, and some battle content. Dated November 18. 1861 to March 19, 1862.
[Diary 1863]
Autograph manuscript signed. Entries made from several locations, mostly from Virginia. Dated January 1, 1863-December 18, 1863
[Diary 1863-1864]
Autograph manuscript. Written from various places. Contains all military content, mostly involving camp life and movements. Dated December 2, 1863-May 26, 1864.
[Diary 1864]
Autograph manuscript signed. Written from various places, but the majority of entries written from City Point, Virginia, which was the headquarters for General Ulysses S. Grant. Contains mostly military content dealing with camp life and activities...
[Diary 1865]
Autograph manuscript signed. Filled with news of military activity. Excerpt from entry for 3 April 1865: "Richmond fell at 8 oclock this morning. Genl Benham was the first Genl in the city... Rebels evacuated. The President and Genl Grant & Meade...
[Diary 1866]
Autograph manuscript. Written from various places. Beach provides information on his life as a former soldier after the war. Dated January 1, 1866-June 1, 1866.
[Louis Bernkopf, tintype]
February 1865
White mount with embossed star border. Ink inscription on verso: "Louis Bernkopf, 15th N.Y.S.V. Engineer, [illegible], Elias W. Beach, City Point, Va., Headquarters on February, 1865." Full length portrait of Bernkopf in military dress, standing...
Showing results 1 - 18