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[General Orders Number 1]
December 27, 1863
Johnston, Joseph Egleston, 1807-1891
Johnston informs General Wheeler, commanding cavalry division, Army of Tennessee, that he (Johnston) has assumed command of the Army of Tennessee.
to unknown
8 July 1866
Wheeler, Joseph, 1836-1906
Offering assistance in any way possible while the recipient is in New Orleans. Addressed to "Colonel."
to Braxton Bragg
28 November 1864
Probably Wheeler's original draft of a telegram. Wheeler, commanding Cavalry Corps in the Department of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida writes to Bragg, commander of the Department of North Carolina. Reports on an engagement against the troops...
to Daniel H. Hill
January 22, 1865
Major General Wheeler writes to General Hill about adjusting the speed of the courier line, his orders to General Ferguson, his troop and enemy movements, and the disposition of his troops to General Hill. With a long postscript addressing some...
to T. B. Roy
September 14, 1862
Will obey orders he has just received regarding surveillance. Is scouting enemy pickets and estimates enemy troop strength. Describes Union recruitment meeting and wonders what to do about disloyal citizens. Roy was Hardee's Assistant Adjutant...
[Confederate circular regarding discipline issued after the Battle of Stones River]
January 22, 1863
Docket (in pencil) indicates that this was Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest's copy. Issued from the headquarters of the cavalry by E. S. Burford, Assistant Adjutant General, based on Wheeler's orders. Deplores the discipline of regimental...
to Joseph Wheeler [Decimalized .01- .02]
12 November 1863
Longstreet, James, 1821-1904
Letter written by Gen. Longstreet, Commander of the Department of East Tennessee and leader of the Knoxville Campaign. With accompanying photograph
to Joseph E. Johnston
April 18, 1865
Joseph Wheeler writes that he arrived at camp and found half of his command had left during the night because they believed the entire army was to be surrendered. His men informed him they heard this from high ranking officers as well as from Union...
to D. G. Reed
31 May 1863
Morgan, John Hunt, 1825-1864
General Morgan writes to Major Reed, assistant adjutant general in General Joseph Wheeler's Corps. Reports that he placed Colonels Duke, Cluke, and Chenault under arrest for neglect of duty for failing to forward a certificate called for in General...
to Joseph Wheeler
14 November 1863
Confederate General Longstreet informs General Wheeler "Your dispatch for Col Sorrel is received- I desire you to cross Little River in pursuit if you have a decided success at Marysville, or if you see the probabilities of ours by crossing. If the...
16 August 1899
Hampton, Wade, 1818-1902
Writes to Wheeler, a former Confederate general, about an article Wheeler wrote and corrects some mistakes. Explains that he was asked to correct them by former Confederate soldiers under his command who are still loyal to the Confederacy and felt...
2 June 1863
Requests a leave of absence to be with his family. Requested the leave because he wished to move his pregnant wife to her aunt's home in Augusta, Georgia. The request was denied at the insistence of Braxton Bragg, who felt that an advance from...
21 November 1863
Longstreet, commander of the Department of East Tennessee, writes to Wheeler, commanding a cavalry corps in the Army of Tennessee. In the midst of the Knoxville Campaign, writes "Col. [Ligons?] force should execute the move to the right of the enemy...
[Cabinet photograph of Joseph Wheeler]
January 18, 1899
Dupont, Aime, fl. 1899
Seated in military jacket and fake boots worn over his civilian clothing. Signed "A. Dupont" on negative.
General orders no. 2
February 10, 1864
Orders several schools for military instruction to be established. Outlines the officers and purposes of the different schools.
[General Joseph Wheeler's General Orders No. 7]
3 June 1863
Contains Wheeler's orders transmitted by D. G. Reed, Assistant Adjutant General. Wheeler, commanding cavalry corps, Army of Tennessee, states "...The commanding General of this Army relies solely upon information received from Cavalry, to make his...
July 8, 1898
Bates, John C., 1842-1919
Bates writes, from "in front [of] Santiago," "I have swung my line forward so that it is now along the bluff next to the city. Am holding the 9th Mass. to cover any turning movement the enemy might make around my left flank. It was my intention, as...
21 May 1863
General Morgan writes to Wheeler, Commander of Cavalry Corps, Army of Tennessee. Reports that Lieutenant [Cull?], sent to obtain wagons from McMinnville, Tennessee, has returned empty handed. Requests Wheeler's assistance in acquiring wagons....
20 November 1863
Possibly written in Tennessee. Marked "Confidential." Longstreet, commander of the Department of East Tennessee, writes to Wheeler, commanding cavalry corps, Army of Tennessee. Orders Wheeler to send half of General John Austin Wharton's force to...
[Check written to George C. Boldt]
March 29, 1901
Check from the Mechanics' National Bank written for $118.17. Contains canceled 2 cent stamp. Includes a stamp on verso instructing "Pay to the order of the Astor National Bank, N. Y. Geo. C. Boldt, (The Waldorf-Astoria)." Contains an Astor...
[Draft letter regarding recent conflict between soldiers and citizens]
circa 1864
Creator and circa year previously inferred. Reports that the previous day, Colonel Dibrill had informed Wheeler's adjutant that a man near Dibrill's camp had two hundred bushels of corn that he refused to sell. Wheeler instructed Dibrill to take...
to Colonel Garner
23 September 1862
Hardee, William J., 1815-1873
Hardee, commander of the Left Wing, Army of the Mississippi, writes to Colonel Garner (possibly George G. Garner, assistant adjutant general for General Braxton Bragg, commander of the Department of Mississippi). Relates that a courier named Cory...
November 12, 1863
Longstreet, Commander of the Department of East Tennessee and leader of the Knoxville Campaign, transmits orders to General Wheeler, cavalry corps, Army of Tennessee. He writes "It would be well to have the fords about Jackson's examined before you...
[Signature of Wheeler]
circa 1861-1862
Wheeler became a Confederate colonel of the 19th Alabama Infantry in September 1861. He was promoted to Brigadier General in October 1862. Wheeler was noted for his command of cavalry during the Civil War, was wounded three times and had sixteen...
January 21, 1865
Reports from his scouts on the enemy's movements during Sherman's Carolina Campaign. Reports enemy's movement should be difficult because the "country was overflowed from the river, & the swamps so full as to be of very difficult passage." Less...
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