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[Lieutenant Henry Burbeck's account for May, 1776]
24 July 1776
Burbeck, Henry, 1754-1848
Account of officer pay and bounties. Burbeck was a lieutenant in Henry Knox's artillery regiment.
to William Knox
July 15, 1776
Knox, Henry, 1750-1806
Mentions that he wrote to Henry Jackson about the British ships that sailed up the Hudson on 12 July 1776 and their engagement with artillery. Describes an attempt by General William Howe to have a letter delivered seeking a truce, which was...
to John Adams
21 October 1781
A detailed account of the siege of Yorktown. Affirms the correctness of Adams' ideas about a need to conduct a major attack against the British in the southern states. Announces the recent surrender of Lord Cornwallis at the Battle of Yorktown....
to John Jay
Later copy of GLC02437.01253. Indicates that French ships are about to dispatch with official accounts of the Battle of Yorktown. Knox feels he should tell Jay what has occurred because an official account from Congress may not be immediately...
to Henry Knox
9 October 1781
Hunter, James, fl. 1781
Contemporary copy of GLC02437.01216. In response to Knox's letter ordering Hunter to send iron and ordnance to James River (GLC02437.01193), Hunter explains how he has complied and what problems he has encountered. Also mentions naval engagements...
to Benjamin Lincoln
January 19, 1782
Written to General Benjamin Lincoln as Secretary at War. Calculations and notes regarding necessary ordnance and ammunition for the siege of New York. Discusses strategy relating to placement of cannon and batteries.
An estimate of horses and waggonrey for the field artillery
February 13, 1782
Estimate of horses and wagons for the next campaign, addressed to Colonel Timothy Pickering. Enclosed with GLC02437.01352.
Return of Arms & Accoutrements at West Point
22 June 1782
Frothingham, Richard, 1748-1819
List of arms and accoutrements including scabbards and muskets with and without bayonets.
[Return of Ordnance associated with the siege of Yorktown].
19 October 1781
Shaw, Samuel, 1754-1794
One side lists muskets, damaged arms, balls and shells that have been sent up the Chesapeake Bay, reserved for the Southern Army, remaining in Virginia, and fired at the British. The other side lists muskets, damaged arms, balls and shells that have...
Military Stores remaining in the State of Virginia.
4 November 1781
Jones, Thomas, fl. 1777-1782
Lists quantities of ordnance held by the Continental Army in Virginia shortly after the siege of Yorktown. Colonel Edward Carrington was then mobilising the stores to be held in Virginia for the use of the Southern Army, under the charge of Deputy...
Mem. of some Articles in Ordn: Store at Springfield in care of Luke Bliss Esq. C.M.S.
Bliss, Luke, 1738-1811
List of stores in possession of Luke Bliss, Commissary of Military Stores. Date added later in pencil.
[Return of recruits inlisted and sworn to serve for three years]
March 1782
Machin, Thomas, 1744-1816
Signed by Captain Machin of the Second Regiment of Artillery. Document lists John Christy and John McDonald as having sworn to serve three years during the war.
to the Quartermaster at Morristown, New Jersey
24 June 1782
Written by Major Shaw of Major General Henry Knox's staff to the Quartermaster at Morristown, New Jersey. Reports that on the march north from Burlington, New Jersey to New Windsor, New York, one of Knox's wagon horses "foundered" in such a way to...
Indicates that French ships are about to dispatch with official accounts of the Battle of Yorktown. Knox feels he should tell Jay what has occurred because an official account from Congress may not be immediately forthcoming. Although the British...
to Lucy Knox
16 October 1781
Responds to his wife's letter chastising him for not writing (see GLC02437.01230). Reports that he is well and comments on the siege of Yorktown. Mentions that they stormed the British works with little loss the night before. Hopes to end the...
to John Ruddock
20 June 1782
Writes that Knox would like "an exact return of all the fire arms and accoutrements in [his] charge" by noon the next day, along with information on how many were in good repair and how many were not, as well as how many have bayonets. Also mentions...
1 July 1782
Lillie, John, 1755-1801
Writes, "General Knox desires me to inform you, that a Conductor, or Some person in your department who was lately at the Magazine near Head Quarters broke open the lock, & left the door tied with a string. He wishes you to have it secured without a...
Extracts from the Queries laid before a Board of General Officers by General S Clair for His Excellency Genl Washington.
St. Clair, Arthur, 1734-1818
Discusses the case of Captain Gerlach, deputy quartermaster of the Brunswick troops. Suggests that [Heinrich] Gerlach be required to provide an inventory for stores that were supposed to be shipped to the Convention Troops, and that he complete the...
to George Washington
21 April 1782
Discusses Washington's negotiation with the state of Virginia to obtain cannon from them for the United States. Writes that he would have written to General Benjamin Lincoln earlier to discuss what to do with the cannon, but thought he would be...
Return of Stores expended on the 15th & 16th Oct, by Lt. Col. Stevens.
Stevens, Ebenezer, 1751-1823
Lists quantities of stores used at various locations and under the command of various officers during the siege of Yorktown. Also enumerates soldiers who were wounded, killed, and taken prisoner. Explains that a British attack at day break resulted...
to unknown
18 October 1781
Requests that vessels with military stores disembark at Trebell's Landing and have the listed quantities of ordnance boarded onto the sloop Flora. Also lists items to be taken from the Flora and loaded onto another vessel, which will sail toward...
to Henry Knox [Request for supplies].
28 October 1781
Custine, Adam Philip, Count de, 1740-1793
Signed in text. Duplicate of GLC02437.01268 with an additional note discussing swords and bayonets dated 29 October 1781. Asks Knox to exchange three drums and provide a fourth, and exchange cartridge boxes also. Also mentions that the Major...
to John Lamb
14 June 1782
Marked "copy." Writes, "The General desires you will, on receipt of this, direct Mr. Frothingham, after leaving a conductor with you at Burlington, to repair immediately with the remaining conductors and clerks in his department to this place. They...
13 October 1781
Pryor, J., fl. 1781
Reports that the ordnance expected from Richmond (see GLC02437.01195) have arrived at Trebell's Landing, but the vessels have orders (communicated through Pryor's Deputy) not to land more stores there. Asks Knox to whom the stores should be...
to J. Pryor
Responds to Captain Pryor's 12 October 1781 letter (see GLC02437.01223) and insists that the ordnance from Richmond be unloaded at Trebell's Landing. Writes, "The General desires you will immediately send him" a return of the number of shot and...
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