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Indian Treaty
14 April 1684
Indian land sale-Flushing Meadows, NY. MDS by 8 Indians.
Act of Congress
03 March 1791
Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826
Act of Congress calling upon President Washington to "cause an estimate to be laid before Congress at their next session, of the quantity and situation of the lands not claimed by the Indians, nor granted to, nor claimed by any citizen of the United...
Proposed sale of land
February 28, 1798
Johnson, John, fl. 1798
From exile in Canada, the loyalist son of Sir William writes on the proposed sale of land
John Richbell and his wife sell...
18 October 1666
[Long Island] John Richbell and his wife sell "all that neck or tract of land commonly called & known by the name of Horse Neck lying & being upon the sound on the North side...bounded to the West with Oyster Bay, to the East with [Huntington] Boro...
to Richard W. Hutson
13 August 1862
Hutson, Charles J., 1842-1902
Discusses a visit to Charleston, South Carolina, possibly on furlough from his post as Corporal in the 1st South Carolina Infantry during the Civil War. He arrived by train and met up with William F. Colcock, Jr. He also visted with Livingston and...
[Official notification of Santa Ana's Secularization Act]
26 November 1833
Garcia, Carlos, fl. 1833
Broadside in Spanish. Official notice that Catholic Church property has been given over to private petitioners.
[New York Post over 300 issues].
New York Post
Includes complete printing of Marbury v. Madison in two issues, complete printing of the Louisiana Purchase Treaty and Conventions, a fire in New York, a slave rebellion, etc.
[Poulson's American Daily Advertizer].
08 November 1804
Extra edition printing Jefferson's State of the Union Address in which he discusses the Louisiana Purchase, Indian affairs, and foreign relations.
to F.B. Stanton
February 2, 1885
Brown, Jason, 1823-1912
John Brown's son and "Bleeding Kansas" companion apologizes for lack of funds because of hard times and asks for additional advance for Brown family land purchase.
[Collection of 3 items regarding Indian Affairs] [Decimalized .01- .02]
July 05, 1828
[Reports on Creek Indians of Georgia]
Inside cover signed by William McLean. Bound copy of various texts. Included are: House Report No. 128 dated 5 February 1828 entitled "Citizens of Georgia - Claims on Creek Indians;" House Report No. 87 dated 18 February 1829 entitled "Remove...
22 April 1869
City of Burlington
Cemetery grants plot to Harriet H. Wait
to Mrs H. Wait
10 April 1875
Moyes, Jas S., fl. 1875
Informs her that the county clerk has not yet registered the mortgage.
An Agreement between Harriet H. Wait and Edwin R. Mead
March 29, 1873
Mead, Edwin, fl. 1873
Concerning the ownership of some property and some furniture and other items contained within.
to father
17 April 1864
Dewey, Orville S., fl. 1861-1902
He has sent photos for his album. They may stay where they are for 2 months. His uncle tells him his father has a new home on Clinton St.
[Mortgage sale of real estate of Norman R. & Harriet W. Dewey]
30 December 1858
Hopkins, Nelson K., 1816-1904
The Deweys' land is being foreclosed and sold at public auction.
[Certificate of ownership of cemetery plot]
15 October 1867
Steele, O.G., fl. 1867
This is to certify that Dewey owns a cemetary plot.
to Brother Henry
10 March 1864
Porter, Charles F., fl. 1861-1865
He does not know what to think about his brother's idea to sell the homestead. He doesn't know what he will do after he gets out of the service. Newspaper clipping features list of names of those drafted.
to George F. Morse
17 September 1865
Maverick, William, fl. 1865
the purchaser of a farm in Farmingville, and a report on the religious activites in and around Farmingville
to Henry Knox
20 September 1781
Knox, William, 1756-1795
Response to 4 September 1781 letter (GLC02437.01165). Discusses their financial situation, "which undoubtedly are in such a train as to require the strictest attention to Oeconomy." William has sold some goods to prepare for his business trip to...
to My Dear Sir
6 April 1863
Burnside, Ambrose Everett, 1824-1881
Railing against Confederate General Simon B. Buckner over a land dispute. "I can give no proof, but my own word that if the property is conveyed to me that I will convey it direct to the son of the late Col. Kingsbury subject to him of indebtedness...
2 May 1829
Clay, Henry, 1777-1852
Decree issued by the Kentucky Circuit Court at Fayette, awarding payment to Clay, who held the mortgage on a property including slaves, which must be sold to pay him. Clay adds an addendum specifying that a young girl not listed on the mortgage be...
[Grant of power of attorney to Norman R. Dewey]
16 June 1859
Dewey, Squire P., fl. 1859-1879
Document grants power of attorney to Norman R. Dewey. He can now make all decisions about the piece real estate in Lancaster.
[Warranty deed with Seth Clark]
10 November 1859
Land agreement between Squire P. Dewey and Seth Blank. The land passes from Dewey to Blank.
6 May 1903
Johnston, Witter H., fl. 1861-1864
Partially printed deed. Land agreement between W.H. Johnston and n and Mary Sorenson. He is giving up land in Iowa.
Showing results 1 - 25