Summer 2025 PD for K–12 teachers: Registration is now open!
to Estelle Spero
6 March 1944
Diamond, Sidney, 1922-1945
Diamond writes that they are working on maps and overlap. He comments that he doesn't feel "poetic, romantic, jocular".
to Edward Kavanagh
4 January 1832
Smith, Samuel E., 1788-1860
As Governor of Maine, to future Governor, about the latter's determination of the Canadian border the previous August, by survey on foot. Also mentions occupancy of new Capitol Building and redrafting of Maine's militia laws.
23 June 1942.
Describes a simulated "moving up" maneuver that the company had carried out early in the morning. Sid then goes on to detail the rest of the day's events which included a lecture on meteorology, a session on map-reading and map-making and a session...
14 July 1942
Diamond outlines the day's course of events, which included watching two films - one on "Booby traps" and one on signal communication, instructing a group on map-reading and map-making,
5 August 1942
Diamond informs that he will be moved at some time the following week, but that he is still unaware as to where he is being sent. Sidney then describes the day's activities - a session on "night operations" in the morning, and the afternoon spent in...
to Benjamin Lincoln
17 August 1784
Jay, John, 1745-1829
States he received a letter from General Henry Knox asking "whose map of the River St. Croix was used as an authority by the ministers who negotiated the Peace." Knox asked that Jay send his answer to General Lincoln. Jay says that the map was one...
[Receipt for traveling expences]
9 October 1784
Mitchell, John, fl. 1755-1790
The State of Massachusetts pays Mitchell for expenses incurred on his trip to Boston. Mitchell traveled to Boston to give evidence regarding his previous survey of the St. Croix River. Henry Knox was recently appointed by the State of Massachusetts...
to Thomas Hutchins
10 October 1786
Sargent, Winthrop, 1753-1820
Written from "Cox's Fort Ohio River." Marked "copy." Discusses the process of surveying land around the Ohio River. Mentions that some surveyors have said there is imminent danger in conducting the survey beyond the 4th range. He has adopted no...
to Henry Knox [in French]
February 11, 1796
Martinon, Nicholas Francis, fl. 1796
French version of GLC02437.06625.
[Memorial to the legislature of Massachusetts]
February 1795
Memorial stating that Royal Flint entered into a contract with the Committee regarding the sale of a tract of land in the area of Maine and that surveyors have discovered that the Committee underestimated the actual acreage of the land.
[Jonathan Maynard's survey]
October 1795
Knox, Henry, 1750-1806
Results of Maynard's survey of land. Includes borders and landmarks.
to unknown
February 4, 1795
Ink is extremely faded and as a result, the document is largely illegible. Most likely about issues involved with the Waldo patent lands. Letterpress copy.
22 April 1795
Jackson, Henry, 1747-1809
Statement before the Committee for the Sale of Eastern Lands in Massachusetts regarding the sale of land in Maine. Discusses the discrepancies between the borders and acreage stated in the original contract and what is actually there as documented by...
to Timothy Pickering
14 April 1796
Writes that he sent Pickering another letter officially declining the offer of a position on the committee to negotiate the boundary between Maine and Canada. Declares that if they are unable to secure another suitable commissioner, and one is...
to unknown [incomplete]
25 April 1793
States that he would like Captain John Hills, "a celebrated and scientific Surveyor and draughts man" to "make a perfect plan of the Waldo patent which has now become to me very interesting as I have agreed to purchase out the Winslow family."...
[Map of Northern Maine]
Stone, W. J., fl. 1830
Map of northern Maine and adjacent British Provinces. Includes Great Britain's claims. Boundary lines between the United States, Great Britain, and the arbiter are color coded. Noted, "Reduced from the official Map A with latest surveys by S.L...
Legal document regarding dispute over land deeds
3 November 1792
Cooper, Samuel, 1798-1876
Discusses the decision made concerning a deed to a tract of land. Mr. De la Roche and Madame de Leval "went unto Henry Jackson ... and demanded of him title, to a tract of Land ... " which he refused to do so, saying "he has already assigned to Mr...
[Sketch of land]
26 November 1800
Return of land laid out for Captain Henry Black in the town of Prospect, Maine. Includes a sketch of the land and notes on the location and quality of land.
October 1804
Houston, Robert, 1765-1824
A sketch of land surveyed by Robert Houston in the township of Knox lying in Hancock County, Maine.
[Map of land]
circa 1796-1806
Gleason, John, fl. 1796-1811
A sketch of land surveyed by John Gleason. Cover 50,000 acres of land likely located in Maine. Shows a pond and various land marks in water colors and has a partially colored border.
to Henry Knox
3 July 1791
References Knox's letter of 26 June. After much difficulty and jealousy with the committee, the contract was signed, sealed, and delivered. Encloses a copy for Knox (see GLC02437.05043, a copy of this contract or a slightly earlier version of it)....
7 August 1791
Agreeable to his promise of 31 July, he is enclosing a copy of the agreement with Mr. Gregoire (not included). Notes he will move forward with the surveys. States he drew upon Duer for $200 payable at 20 days sight to pay the sums mentioned his...
21 August 1791
References Knox's letters of 12 and 15 August. Comments he will be mortified if "our transfers did not arrive in season to avail yourself of the highest going price." Notes he could have sold them to be delivered in a few days, which was the usual...
11 September 1791
References Knox's letter of 4 September. Did everything he could to get another million acres of land in Maine for Knox. Reports that the committee is "even affraid to think of selling, much more to treat with me on the subject." Writes that since...
18 September 1791
Reports that on Friday evening, he received an express from William Duer from New York that only took 45 hours to arrive. The letter said Madame de la Val and Mr. de la Roche will be leaving New York by 18 September with 20 of her people to proceed...
Showing results 1 - 25