Summer 2025 PD for K–12 teachers: Registration is now open!
to his wife
24 October 1781
Castellane Majastre, Henri César, marquis de, ?-1789
French commander's description of the victory at Yorktown, surrender of Cornwallis' army
General Orders # 18
27 April 1865
Johnston, Joseph Egleston, 1807-1891
General orders #18, announcing terms of his surrender to Sherman: "sparing the blood of this gallant army and saving our country from further devastation": clerical copy, made in the field, signed by WD Gale
to William T. Sherman
04 May 1865
Schofield, John McAllister, 1831-1906
Eight days after Johnston's surrender regarding situation in North Carolina. "Concluded satisfactorily all details with Genl Johnston." General James Wilson "had disregarded the order to resume hostilities it being of an earlier date than yours..."
to Henry Halleck
Two telegrams on one page "A number of officers and men of both Lee's and Johnston's armies whose homes are in the Western states desire to press through the Northern states...can they be permitted to do so?"
10 July 1863
Weidemeyer, John, fl. 1863
Confederate Captain Weidemeyer of the 6th Missouri Infantry describes the defeat and surrender at Vicksburg: "I am not satisfied that we should have surrendered...". He also describes offensive movement of troops under Lee.
to mother
16 September 1862
Dewey, Orville S., fl. 1861-1902
They have since passed through several cities and escaped the warm fire of artillery. There has been heavy firing in the direction of Harper's Ferry though he hears their side has surrendered at Harper's Ferry.
to Brother Henry
26 September 1861
Porter, Charles B., fl. 1861-1863
They heard about General Mulligan's surrender to the rebels supposedly because General Freemont did not send reinforcements. Written in Camp Arlington
13 July 1863
Vicksburg surrendered. Very, very faded.
22 April 1865
Morse, George F., fl. 1864-1868
hardships of camp life, the surrender of Johnston, family matters, and Chris Skelton's letter from Hart's Island.
to John Adams
21 October 1781
Knox, Henry, 1750-1806
A detailed account of the siege of Yorktown. Affirms the correctness of Adams' ideas about a need to conduct a major attack against the British in the southern states. Announces the recent surrender of Lord Cornwallis at the Battle of Yorktown....
to John Jay
Later copy of GLC02437.01253. Indicates that French ships are about to dispatch with official accounts of the Battle of Yorktown. Knox feels he should tell Jay what has occurred because an official account from Congress may not be immediately...
Indicates that French ships are about to dispatch with official accounts of the Battle of Yorktown. Knox feels he should tell Jay what has occurred because an official account from Congress may not be immediately forthcoming. Although the British...
to Eleanor Hammond
9 April 1865
Hammond, Horace J., fl. 1862-1865
Left camp and fought for four days. Took the South Side Railroad, Petersburg, and Richmond. Headed for Lynchburg, and marched 5 days straight. Formed a battle line and marched into battle again. This time, "when our army cam in sight old general Lee...
16 April 1865
Gives a summary of recent events, including the fall of Petersburg and Richmond, the pursuit of Lee to Appomattox, and the end of the war. Have been marching back east and north since then; thinks he is headed for Petersburg. Has received seven...
27 October 1777 circa
List of prisoners and ordnance taken by the Northern army in the course of the campaign up to and including Burgoyne's surrender. Counts 5,740 prisoners plus General Burgoyne and 12 members of his staff, including six members of parliament. Lists...
to his parents, [brother-in-law], and sister
24 August 1863
Wheeler, Lysander, 1837-1917
Comments that he is pleased that his family has received all of his letters and writes that he is fighting for their rights. Describes his journey to Stevenson, Alabama by train. Reports that during his trip he met an old friend, John Hegeman who...
to his parents, brother-in-law and sister
30 July 1864
He write that he is now on the right wing not far from the Atlanta, Georgia railroad. Reports that during the night as they were moving they were attacked by Confederates who were severely "whipped for their tenacity that they may stick to Atlanta."...
4 October 1864 - 11 October 1864
Written near the Chattahoochee River in Georgia. He is writing despite the fact that no mail has been coming in or out because the rebels have cut their line of communication. There are various reports as to the location of Confederate General Joseph...
to his parents, brother-in-law, and sister
13 April 1865
Writes that his health is very good and mail leaves Raleigh, North Carolina for Goldsboro, North Carolina by rail. They have received the great news that Richmond, Virginia has been captured along with General Robert E. Lee's army. The camp cheered...
to Jacob Dolson Cox
5 April 1862
Scammon, Eliakim Parker, 1816-1894
Colonel Scammon of the 23rd Ohio regiment writes General Cox, division commander in Charleston, West Virginia. Reports that Confederate General Alfred Beckley has been arrested on order of General John Charles Fremont and arrived in Fayetteville on...
[Parole for Hodges, a Confederate Prisoner of War]
6 July 1863
Hodges, George P., fl. 1863-1894
Partially printed document created at Vicksburg, indicating that Hodges, "a Prisoner of War…in virtue of the capitulation of the City of Vicksburg," vows not to take up arms against the United States. Also signed by Captain Jonathan O. [Dun?] of...
to Major J. Dan Jr.
Colonel Scammon of the 23rd Ohio regiment writes to the Provost Marshall General at Wheeling, West Virginia. Reports that Confederate General Alfred Beckley has arrived under guard and will leave tomorrow for Wheeling.
A State of the Expedition from Canada, as Laid Before the House of Commons...
Burgoyne, John, 1722-1792
Title continues, " Lieutenant-General Burgoyne, and verified by evidence ; with a collection of authentic documents, and an addition of many circumstances which were prevented from appearing before the House by the prorogation of Parliament...
[Draft of Special Orders No. 15]
Sherman, William T. (William Tecumseh), 1820-1891
By order of Major General Sherman, clerically signed by L. M. Dayton, Assistant Adjutant General. Announces the cessation of hostilities and the final surrender agreement with Confederate General Joseph E. Johnston. Gives instructions on carrying...
Herald Extra. Farewell Address of General Joseph E. Johnston.
2 May 1865
Reprints Johnston's farewell to the troops of the Army of Tennessee following his surrender to Union General William T. Sherman. Advises his troops to obey the surrender terms. Thanks the men for their devotion and wishes them prosperity and...
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