Summer 2025 PD for K–12 teachers: Registration is now open!
to darling Cherry
Wait, Horatio L., 1836-1916
He mentions the influx of court martials lately. He also talks about the upcoming election and how the NY troops will support Lincoln absolutely. He mentions her Aunt Chara.
General Orders No. 32
13 July 1864
Willcox, C.B., fl. 1864
A general court martial is appointed for the July 14th for the trial of Private John Cooney.
to Estelle Spero
31 May 1943
Diamond, Sidney, 1922-1945
Diamond describes having spent the weekend in Austin, and also serving on the defense counsels for the court-martials.
3 June 1943
Diamond complains about having been served pork for all meals recently. He also describes a mock court-martial that took place the day before, in which he played the defendant.
26 June 1943
Diamond describes having acted as defense counsel in a recent court-martial case.
to parents
27 September 1863
Clapp, George, fl. 1839-1892
It is the eighth day of his confinement. There are 12 other soldiers there "for company." Has a 20 foot by 50 foot guarded space to stay in. Has "nothing but bread and water" to eat. "We managed to smuggle in most anything we want to eat." Luke Day...
4 October 1863
Is still under guard. Has waited for a letter from them for a week but has not heard from them. Met with the colonel who asked them a few questions including how long they had been locked up for. Not sure if he will receive a court martial at all....
7 October 1863
Received their letter yesterday. Still at the guard house but thinks he will be released soon. Is punished "by carrying a log." The lieutenant colonel was too busy "attending to his own private pleasures" to attend a court martial, so the colonel...
3 January 1864
Received their letter on New Years Day. "What a change there has been" in the past year. All of the commissioned officers who came with the company from Northampton are gone for one reason or another. Perhaps more importantly, "the old troops now in...
to sister
28 October 1862
Dewey, Orville S., fl. 1861-1902
He is glad Will got a promotion. He will be leaving the 49th and he is glad about that. A soldier named Hancock will have been court marshaled for several offenses.
to Sister Sophia
February 16, 1862
Albert, fl. 1861-1864
Fort Donaldson [Fort Doneslon] is surrounded by the Union troops now and that is not the only good news. However, the Chamberlain is to be court martialed for drunkeness. He assures his sister that he does not drink. Written in Camp Jackson, also...
General Orders No. 380
24 November 1863
Townsend, E. D. (Edward Davis), 1817-1893
A catalog of various soldiers' crimes and the details of their sentencing.
"'Leave Pope to Get out of His Scrape.' McClellan's Dispatches"
Pope, John, 1822-1892
to U.S. Grant
18 April 1874
Printed with reply from Grant, 1874/05/09. Unsigned copies. 1 page printed on folded leaf. Re: Request that Grant view both side before reopening trial of Fitz John Porter.
January 17, 1864
Received a letter from them last night. Generally, when they mail a letter on a Monday, it arrives on a Thursday. Is happy to read their letters no matter how long they are. Is no longer working for the General Court Martial. The division...
[Form certifying James E. Kelly's payment as a witness]
December 11, 1874
Nicholls, J.W., fl. 1872-1874
One document dated December 11, 1874 from James S., certifying that James E. Kelly was paid three dollars for serving as a witness during a court martial appointment.
to Parents
17 April 1864
Time is flying by. Will be home in just over 16 months. Expects the next 4 months of battles will "till loudly on our regiment." They have often been part of the reserves in a battle, and therefore expects to be put in the front line more often this...
to Eliakim P. Scammon
18 July 1865
Stromhouse, H.V., fl. 1865
Captain in the U.S.C.T. with extensive military experience with British arm, including a general's a.d.c., before joining Union army as draughtsman. At time of writing was serving as a judge advocate.
Parke, H.F., fl. 1863
"I ask a favor. My supposed collusion with the Rebels is a mistake the trial will show it I ask an immediate one." Dated Apl 19 186
to mother
7 June 1862
Smith, Asa, fl. 1861-1862
to mother [Ann Smith] The regiment is now under the command of General McClellan. General Wool has stepped down. He says Wool was starting to show his age. They have no orders to go yet, but it seems to be coming soon. Col. [Peirce] is a "disgrace to...
(House bill) . . . A bill to be entitled An act supplemental to the several acts relating to military courts
January 28, 1864
Confederate States of America. Congress
stamp of record division
to General Sherman
23 October 1878
With 4 page insert: "Extracts from reports of the operations of the Army of Northern Virginia."
to Force [Judge Manning Ferguson Force]
5 November 1878
with annotations.
January 27, 1879
with annotations. Followed by blank half leaf.
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