Summer 2025 PD for K–12 teachers: Registration is now open!
to E. D. Goodwin re: his vehement opposition to new tariff
28 April 1883
Morgan, John T., fl. 1883
Written as Senator from Alabama. John Tyler Morgan argues against organized labor's support for a high protective tariff.
to Father
June 17, 1864
Pearce, Charles, fl. 1863-1869
In his letter to his father, Charles Pearce mentions Thirza's engagement.
to Kenneth W. Snyder
February 20, 1946
Truman, Harry S., 1884-1972
Writing to Snyder in Kansas City, Missouri, Truman responds to Snyder's letter from February 13, 1946 and comments on an editorial from the Kansas City Star that advocated continued government participation in local community issues. Truman argues...
Papers of George May Powell [decimalized]
Powell, George May, 1835-1905
The George May Powell collection contains personal and family correspondence. Also included are business papers relating to his Thirteenth Amendment anti-slavery photograph, his inventions, and his publications; a diary, letters, and essays...
to John T. Stewart re: his hope to be remembered as a friend to labor
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919
Signed as President. Roosevelt also writes that he hopes to be thought the best President for farmers, small businessmen and "Abraham Lincoln's plain people."
[Message from the President to Congress communicating Nathaniel Bank's General Order number 23]
February 28, 1865
Banks, Nathaniel Prentiss, 1816-1894
Banks' General Orders No. 23 being forwarded to Congress, by President Lincoln, with a note from Edwin Stanton. "In compliance with the resolution by the Senate of the 23rd instant, I transmit herewith a report from the Secretary of War, with the...
to Ellison DuRant Smith
March 22, 1933
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945
Letter concerns Smith's amendment to the farm bill of 1933. Worries that he may lose the support of organized farm forces. Advises him to discuss the bill with Secretary of Agriculture Henry A. Wallace. Date inferred from contents. Written on White...
New-York daily tribune. [Vol. 25, no. 7654 (October 18, 1865)]
18 October 1865
Greeley, Horace, 1811-1872
Discusses President Andrew Johnson's involvement in various aspects of reconstruction. Addresses the responsibility of the Judiciary, not the Executive, in bringing former President of the Confederacy Jefferson Davis to trial. Includes a full...
to John L. Lewis
February 3, 1933
Informs that he has created a National Labor Board to function under the National Industrial Recovery Act as an agency to investigate controversies concerning labor relations. Appoints Lewis a member of the National Labor Board and hopes that he...
The Women's garment workers: A History of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union.
Levine, Louis, fl. 1924
First edition with half-tone photographs and appendices. Published by B. W. Huebsch.
to Guy Fenton
15 August 1961
Pulowski, Xavier-Franncis, fl. 1961
He is very sick now. Most of his friends are dead. He became chairman of the Union of Workmen's boxing club. He likes all the Englishmen he has met. At the end, he qoutes a letter from Princess Lily Luomirska.
Kreis Beuthen Land
circa 1900-1929
Beginning with a description of their arrival in Beuthen Land, followed by the installation of their offices. A description of the situation at hand : a Polish insurrection in Upper Silesia had been suppressed by Germany. The Laundrat's methods are...
Labor is News
Union Labor
One printing of "Labor is News" published by Union Labor. Contains photographs, graphs, and articles related to labor history including; the Chicago Memorial Day Massacre of 1937; strikebreakers; unionization efforts in the South and highlights on...
Survey Graphic [Volume 31, No. 11 (November 1942)]
November 1942
Kellogg, Paul, 1879-1950
One issue of Survey Graphic dated November 1942. This volume focuses on African Americans in the United States. Subjects include involvement in the military; a photo essay of African Americans in the South; democracy in Latin America, Africa, India...
to unknown [incomplete]
circa 1795-1806
Knox, Henry, 1750-1806
Discusses his farm and how to manage it properly. Appears to inform the recipient of his expectations regarding his duties and of the farm itself.
The Record. [Vol. 1, no. 23 (November 19, 1863)]
19 November 1863
Official Correspondence between the Union and Confederate Exchange Commissioners for the exchange of POW's, especially the Gettysburg POW's Abraham Lincoln and the Czar, Labor Strikes in New York and Boston.
to Morris "Moe" Weiner
February 17, 1944
Weiner, Sylvia, 1912-2008
V-Mail. Sylvia rushed after dinner to N.Y. Union Headquarters, only to find that she had gone on the wrong night. So she dashed over to the movies with Ben and Mad [sister and her boyfriend]. Says another week has slipped away; but February 22nd...
January 29, 1944
Sylvia brought her co-worker Bess home for lunch, they discussed how to raise funds for the Union's Wage Increase Drive. She showed Bess how to play the piano, and Bess stayed for dinner.
February 19, 1944
Sylvia is concerned that Moe is kept informed of current issues and hopes he is receiving the subscription to PM that she sent to him. Talks about what is going on in Congress. Was supposed to go out today [Saturday] and hand out leaflets to the...
2 March 1944
V-Mail Sylvia talks about a class she took concerning women and the labor movement.
March 16, 1944
Sylvia talks about the history of labor unions
March 26, 1944
Sylvia talks more about the labor party.
March 27, 1944
Sylvia talks about the delegation's attempt to ask the Mayor for a wage increase.
3 April 1944
Sylvia went to a meeting about the Mayor's new budget.
27 April 1943
Addresses many of Moe's previous letters. Sylvia wishes her mail would reach him on a regular basis. Comments that he is sewing, not using a gun or pen in the Army. She attended the Executive Meeting of the Victory Educational Council of the Ocean...
Showing results 1 - 25