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[Portrait of William Henry Harrison]
circa 1840
Dodson, Richard W., 1812-1867
One print of President William Henry Harrison. Engraved by Richard W. Dodson from an original painting by James Reid Lambdin.
To: Hezekiah Niles.
Adams, John, 1735-1826
Enclosure of papers for publication in Nile's Weekly Register. Adams mentions a letter of Washington's which may have been lost in the burning of Washington, D.C. and warning "Conclude not, from this that my papers are of any great value."
to Edgar Mason
21 April 1824
Adams, John Quincy, 1767-1848
President Adams sends a copy of a letter from Edmund Gage to Massachusetts congressman Jeremiah Nelson (not included) to District Attorney Mason. Asks Mason to verify the claims in the letter; if they are true "Captain Gage and his vessel may both...
Convention between his Britannic Majesty and the United States...
Folio. Printed by R.G. Clarke. Official British printing. Established U.S.-Canadian border, settled question of fishing rights off Newfoundland, and agreed on jointly adminstering Oregon for ten year period. Signed on 20 October 1818.
Treaty between United States and Columbia
Large Quarto. Printed by F.M Stokes. First Columbian printing. First treaty between the US and another icountry in the western hemisphere. Negotiatedin 1824, ratified in 1825. Malloy p. 292.
Treaty between United States and Federated Republic of Central America
Small folio. Printed by Imprena Mayor Casa de Porras. Treaty of amity and commerce with rebelling Spanish provinces. The Federal Republic of Central America included Guatemala, Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, and Costa Rica and was formed in 1823...
to Colonel Aspenwall
23 July 1827
Scott, Winfield, 1786-1866
General Scott writes to Aspinwall, possibly Thomas Aspinwall, American Consul General in London. Recommends Wyndham Robertson of Richmond, Virginia, who plans to visit Europe. Writes, "May I beg you to show him any civility in your power &...
to Henry Colman
18 November 1818
Invites Reverend Colman to dinner. Written in the third person.
to Manuel Eyre
3 January 1824
Informs Eyre that his appointment as Director of the Bank of the United States is being forwarded to the President of the Bank [Nicholas Biddle]. With Eyre's draft response at bottom where he asks Adams to thank the President of the Bank for the...
Letters as commander of USS Grampus off Cuba re: piracy, slave ships, Lafayette [Decimalized .01-.24]
Mayo, Isaac, 1791-1861
Written to or from Mayo. Includes mention of capture of a slave trader off the coast of Haiti. Also includes pamphlet, report of Congress on Cuba.
to William Plumer
Regarding the European feeling that Americans shall "become dangerous members of the Society of Nations." Naval Victories, state of Barbary (fighting the pirates of Barbary and Algiers rather than giving them tribute), enemies everywhere, few...
[Patent for Jacob Bromwell's improvement of the wheat fan, or winnowing machine and J.Q. Adams and Engraving of James Monroe and James Monroe]
November 26, 1818
Document signed by John Quincy Adams and James Monroe, 1 engraving of John Quincy Adams, and 3 engravings of James Monroe.
President's Message
2 December 1823
James C., Dunn & Co, fl. 1823
Same-day printing of the Monroe Doctrine in an extra for the Washington Republican and congressional examiner. One of the most important lines includes: "the American continents, by the free and independent condition which they have assumed and...
to Richard Keith Call
Jackson, Andrew, 1767-1845
Advises Call that on what he must do first if he wishes to succeed in politics, including making a good name for himself. Also counsel's him to mend a feud between Captain Easter and Judge Brekenridge. Then explains that he will never run for...
to Jeremy Bentham
November 10, 1828
Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de, 1757-1834
Lafayette confirms that he has settled on his farm at La Grange and indicates that he is studying Bentham's philosophy. He discusses standing armies and the role of the militia in defending the United States. Also discusses "the impeachment of...
to unknown re: transmitting a sample of Patrick Henry's handwriting
Madison, James, 1751-1836
Madison notes that Henry "must, it would appear, have been in early life when the letter was written."
to William Gibbons
9 April 1823
Carroll, Charles, 1737-1832
Writing to his overseer regarding a slave he has just purchased, a blacksmith named Clem. Says Clem does not get special treatment but that "he was promised, if sold, that his wife should live with him." Also discusses buying horses. Signed "Ch...
to John C. Calhoun
General Jackson writing to Secretary of War Calhoun, attempting to mediate a dispute between General Daniel Bissell and the Ordnance Department. Jackson emphasizes the need to maintain a proper chain of command.
to Richard Rush
22 August 1828
Comments on "An Act for the relief of surviving officers and soldiers of the Army of the Revolution," Secretary of Treasury Rush's health, and the difficulty of his position. Anticipates Rush's resignation and thanks him for his service. Also...
[Ohio land grant to Robert Parks of Harrison County, Ohio]
12 August 1826
Partially printed document granting Robert Parks seventy nine acres in Steubenville, Ohio. Signed by John Quincy Adams as President and countersigned by George W. Graham as Commissioner of the General Land Office. Certificate No. 1251. Recorded in...
to William Benton
27 April 1821
Monroe, James, 1758-1831
Written by Monroe as President to Benton as the overseer of his properties in Loudoun County, Virginia. Says he has written to Harrison in Alexandria, Virginia and will have 20 barrels of herring and five of shad sent. If instructions need to change...
to William Smith Shaw
21 June 1821
Discusses his interest in Native American religion and his difficulties in learning about it because of Indians reluctance to speak on the topic. Describes his attempts to learn about Native American religion from a Mr. Alexander McGillivray, the...
to James Monroe
21 July 1823
Yates, Joseph Christopher, 1768-1837
Letter from Yates as Governor of New York to Monroe as President. The letter seems to be in a secretarial hand and signed by Yates. Docketed by Monroe on verso. Forwarded to Secretary of State John Quincy Adams, who also docketed the letter. Neither...
[Appointment of Thomas Ap Catesby Jones to Master Commandant in U.S. Navy]
March 28, 1820
This document is a record of the appointment of Thomas Ap Catesby Jones, signed by James Monroe as President and countersigned by Smith Thompson as Secretary of the Navy and John H. Sherburne as "Registered." Document says President Monroe has...
[Receipt for $250 annuity paid to Cornplanter, a Seneca chief, for the Six Nations]
2 June 1826
Cornplanter, 1732-1836
Records payment made by Roy Bayard and Thomas Morris in accordance with a treaty made with Robert Morris at Big Tree "in September 1797, up to September 1825." Witnessed and signed by Charles F. Cort and H. James, Jr. Signed by the Seneca Chief...
Showing results 1 - 25