Summer 2025 PD for K–12 teachers: Registration is now open!
to Captain John North
11 April 1758
Pownall, Thomas, 1722-1805
to Brigadier Monckton
15 April 1758
to Col. John Thomas
January 23, 1760
to Ja Hamilton
March 31, 1750
Coldon, fl. 1750
to John Tabor
29 September 1762
Monckton, Robert, fl. 1762
John Richbell and his wife sell...
18 October 1666
[Long Island] John Richbell and his wife sell "all that neck or tract of land commonly called & known by the name of Horse Neck lying & being upon the sound on the North side...bounded to the West with Oyster Bay, to the East with [Huntington] Boro...
Cornelius Bradford, Pewterer & Thomas Janviner, Cutler, separately agreed to pay ten pounds each to the Pennsylvania Hospital.
February 8, 1758 - November 1, 1758
Pennsylvania Hospital
"I have concluded to issue a pardon in the case of Percy Walker" (Former U.S. Congressman from Alabama, and brother of Confederate Secretary of War.)
30 September 1865
Johnson, Andrew, 1808-1875
to Vincent Gray
April 5, 1823
Porter, David Dixon, 1813-1891
"As fast as my vessels arrive, I shall send them off the coast of Cuba again....the pirates shall have but little peace..." building a town in Florida,etc.
to "Officers of his Majesty's Ordnance."
June 6, 1758 - October 8, 1759
Jeffray, William, fl. 1758-1759
From Halifax, two letters pertaining to the Battle of Lewisburg; seeking reimbusement for 1554 pounds spent on materials for the expedition.
Recipe for consumption
circa 1585-1783
to John Van Rensselaer
7 June 1756
Hardy, Charles, fl. 1716-1780
Discusses recruiting a militia unit for an expedition against the French at Crown Point, New York during the Seven Years War. Tells Lieutenant Colonel that "You will find by the enclosed Estimate made by the Assembly, that the Quota of your County...
to [George Montagu-Dunk, Earl of Halifax (1716-1771)]
circa March 1756
Barrington, William Wildman, 1717-1793
Most likely the note sent to accompany the letter to Montagu-Dunk mentioned previously (GLC0954.14). Writes "I send you herewith a Letter which I have gotten accidentally & which I think worth your reading. If you would shew it to the Duke or Lord...
to Daniel Webb
March 31, 1756
Fox, Henry, Baron Holland, 1705-1774
Informs Webb that his replacement, Major General Abercrombie will be setting out for Plymouth soon and so Webb can return to England via the "Packet Boat novo (?) at Falmouth, will in all Probablility, make your Passage three Weeks sooner, than if...
to William Shirley
Letter politely ordering Shirley to return to England as soon as possible. "It having been represented to the King, that your Presence in England may be very useful & necessary to His Majty's. Service at this Time, as you are able to give many...
Same as previous (GLC09054.20). Letter politely ordering Shirley to return to England as soon as possible. "It having been represented to the King, that your Presence in England may be very useful & necessary to His Majty's. Service at this Time...
to William Cavendish 4th Duke of Devonshire
20 April 1756
Encloses a letter to Cavendish concerning the affairs in America and writes to inform him of what has been going on with the possible spy and intercepted letters. "Both these Letters being of the most dangerous Nature, the King ordered me to give...
to George Montagu-Dunk, the Earl of Halifax
1 July 1756
Informs Halifax about further information concerning the intercepted letters. "I have reason to Suspect a treasonable Correspondence has been, and is Still carrying on with the French, both in Europe and America, by some persons in his Goverment...
[Copy of a report of a meeting held in Dartmouth Township on 28 March 1717 discussing land taken for highways].
March 28, 1717
Delano, Jonathan, fl. 1701-1717
Delano signed clerically for Richard Borden, John Akin, William Wood, Jacob Barker, and Isaac Smith. Attested as a true copy from the "Dartmouth Purchesors Book of Records" and signed as Clerk of the Township of Dartmouth.
[Copy of a report of a meeting discussing land taken for highways].
Hathaway, Thomas, fl. 1717-1726
Attested as a true copy and signed as Clerk of the Township of Dartmouth.
[Deed between Jonathan and Samuel Waldo related to the Muscongus Patent]
Waldo, Jonathon, 1669-1731
Signed by Jonathan Waldo, father of Samuel Waldo. Grants Samuel his "right, share and interests in all that tract of land situate lying and being in the Eastern parts of New England containing by estimation ten leagues from a certain place commonly...
28 June 1748
Waldo, Samuel, 1695-1759
General Waldo writes to Shirley, Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Objects to sending Shirley pay vouchers signed by captains serving under him. Hopes to be able to pay his men directly, and presumably to keep the records.
22 April 1749
Winslow, Isaac, 1709-1777
Certifies that all of the signers were present at a court hearing which found Samuel Waldo "guilty of Injustice, unfaithfullness [sic] in his Trust, Fraud & Cruelty in refusing to make due Payments to [diverted ?] Persons..." Also mentions William...
22 November 1721
Waldo, Jonathon, fl. 1721-1779
Signed by Jonathan and Hannah Waldo. Bartholomew Gedney and Edward Emerson signed as witnesses. Samuel [Chookley] signed as Justice of the Peace on 19 September 172[2]. A deed of gift from Jonathan Waldo to Samuel Waldo for several parcels of land...
to Christopher Kilby
24 April 1749
Discusses a court case regarding disputes over land and land administration, where the author is the defendant. Possibly written by Samuel Waldo.
Showing results 1 - 25