Carrington, Edward, 1749-1810 to Henry Knox

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February 16, 1789
Carrington, Edward, 1749-1810
to Henry Knox
Place Written
Richmond, Virginia
3 p. : Height: 23.8 cm, Width: 19.1 cm
Primary time period
The New Nation, 1783-1815
Creating a New Government

Relates the Virginia Electoral Council's votes for President, and declares that 10 votes were cast for [George] Washington, five for John Adams, three for [George] Clinton, one for [John] Hancock and one for [John] Jay. Relates that Antifederalism is still a factor, particularly near where Patrick Henry lives, south of the J[ames] River; it has influenced the electors and representatives. Describes Mr. [James] Madison's recent election win over Mr. [James] Monroe. Comments on his distaste for the Antifederalists, declaring, "It is a disagreeable thing for difficulties to arise between the two Branches of a Legislature, but yet I cannot help rejoicing that the wild Antifederalists of the lower house in New York have met with so firm a Check from the Senate." Is happy with the prospects of the new government.

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