Smith, Asa, fl. 1861-1862 to his mother

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March 9, 1862
Smith, Asa, fl. 1861-1862
to his mother
Place Written
Newport News, Virginia
2 p. : Height: 20.3 cm, Width: 12.8 cm
Primary time period
Civil War and Reconstruction, 1861-1877
The American Civil War

Says there was a big fight at Newport News the day before. Says the "Merrimac" came down with the "Yorktown," "Jamestown," and other boats. Reports that "Merrimac ran into and sunk Cumberland killing half her crew, raked the Congress fore and aft till she struck her colors. Minnesota aground, but fought till dark and flies the colors this morning." Says the "Congress" is burned and her magazine blew up. Says the 20th and 99th New York were deployed as Confederate troops were reported landing above Newport News and advancing from Yorktown, but they did not come. Says "The Ericson battery [the USS "Monitor"] is reported in if so there will be a fight. Nothing else can hurt her. 100 lbs shot fall off like snowballs." Written on stationery with the word "Justice" emblazoned on top and image of justice with crossed flags and scales. The words "The Guardian of our Liberty" are printed beneath the image. Written at Camp Hamilton.

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