Van Valkenburgh Family [Letters and photographs of the Van Valkenburgh family of New York] [decimalized .01-.37]

Correspondence from the Van Valkenburgh family, who lived mostly in upstate New York. Of the five brothers in the family, three joined the Union cause and another joined the Confederates. One member of the family, Frank, became a lawyer in Wisconsin (see GLC06253 for additional materials). Robert was a Union officer and Congressman from New York. The bulk of the collection dates from 1865. Some of the collection's key materials revolve around Gerrit, the brother who lived in Arkansas as an attorney and joined the Confederate cause as a member of Fagan's Arkansas Cavalry (Gerrit lived near an uncle who also seems to have sided with the Confederacy). Gerrit's parents disowned him, but, when he was captured as a prisoner of war, his twin brother Frank got him released.

Header Record
Van Valkenburgh Family
[Letters and photographs of the Van Valkenburgh family of New York] [decimalized .01-.37]
Place Written
Various Places
37 Items
Primary time period
National Expansion and Reform, 1815-1860
Age of Jackson