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Hall, Edward H. to: "My dear Father."

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Gilder Lehrman Collection #: GLC02234.04 Author/Creator: Hall, Edward H. Place Written: Urbana, Md. Type: Autograph letter signed Date: 1862/09/10 Pagination: 4 p. Order a Copy

My dear Father,
I have an opportunity of writing you a few lines by a gentleman going to Balt. I am in Capt. Ridgely Brown's cavalry company from End. Frank Bond is 1st Lieutenant. Authur Bond came over the other day & joined us. Billy Webster is here also. Smith & Alex Borris are here, but I have not seen them yet. Dr. Minon died. Christmas & I joined the army on the first of June. We whipped the Yankees down at Manassas and are now in End. I hope to be in Baltimore soon. Our company is attached to the 2nd Regiment at present. I was in the charge of Saturday at Manassas. Our regiment charged the first Michigan regiment & two others at the same time and the 7nth came up & we made them skadaddle. We had one man shot in the arm in our company & several taken prisoners but in the second charge we got them all back again, I got struck on my arm with a sabor but it did not hurt me any & then we went to Leesburg and charged Capt. Mean's company and a End company & drove them away hurting several and taking a good many prisoners. I have written to you dozens of times but fear you never got any of them. Miss Hetty Cary paid my bill at D. Minons for me & let me have $100 besides. Give My love to Mother, Uncle G, Aunt P and all the rest. I would like to say more but the man is ready to start so I must bid you good bye. Hoping very soon to see you. I remain as ever your affectionate son,
E. H. Hall
When Jackson gets to Balt. If you inquire for Capt. Ridgeby Brown's Maryland company you can send me 2nd VA regiment as I may not be able to get to see you.
Your affect. Son
E. H. Hall


Hall, Edward H., fl. 1860-1899

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