Collection related to Confederate soldier George P. Hodges [Decimalized .01- .07]

Collection of George P. Hodges, Sergeant, Company B., 37th Mississippi Volunteer Infantry. Includes a parole pass for Hodges, who was a prisoner of war at Vicksburg, a document related to Hodges's participation in a United Confederate Veteran's Reunion, a document related to Hodges's pension, a photograph (possibly of Hodges's in later life), Civil War Lieutenant bars, and a metal pin (possibly from a military reunion). A collateral letter from the War Department 13 August 1909 to the Commissioner of Pensions in Texas (reproduced from the Texas State Archives) indicates that Hodges enlisted in the Confederate Army 8 March 1862, was reported absent, sick, or wounded 20 July 1864, and was paroled at Greensboro, North Carolina 1 May 1865. Collateral documents, including forms related to the attempts of Hodges's widow (possibly Temperance C. Hodges) to secure his pension, indicate that he died before 1909.

Header Record
Collection related to Confederate soldier George P. Hodges [Decimalized .01- .07]
Place Written
Various Places
4 documents, 1 photograph, 2 objects
Primary time period
Civil War and Reconstruction, 1861-1877
The American Civil War