Mitchel, Ormsby MacKnight, 1809-1862 to Ira Harris

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March 7, 1861
Mitchel, Ormsby MacKnight, 1809-1862
to Ira Harris
Place Written
New York, New York
Primary time period
Civil War and Reconstruction, 1861-1877
The American Civil War

Mitchel discusses President Abraham Lincoln and the pending Civil War with Harris, United States Senator from New York. States "How would it do for Mr Lincoln to offer to receive the Commissioners from the 'Cotton States' or the accredited representatives of the discontented citizens of states yet members of the American Union- And in this proposal to receive them, state his willingness to treat of all matters now causing irritation... in the hope that an agreement might be made, to refer the Entire question to a national convention, to be assembled at an Early day? Mr Lincoln has addressed these Southern Malcontents as 'my dissatisfied fellow countrymen' he claims the union to be unbroken- he can therefore receive these commissioners on the broad basis of his inaugural Address, and in case they refuse thus to be received and claim to be the Commissioners of an 'independent nation' then let the responsibility of refusal rest on their own heads... should his peace proposition be rejected, the south is placed in the wrong in the Eyes of the Entire World... I do hope some peaceable solution may be discerned for the idea of Civil War is truly dreadful..." Written from the St. Nicholas Hotel. Accompanied by paper backing. One black and white full length engraving of Mitchel included.

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