[Slavery related collection] [Decimalized .01- .10]

Collection of 7 abolitionist and slavery related autograph letter signed and one John Brown carte-de-visite.
Autograph letter signed dated 25 June 1861 from H. Giles, "If this war continues, we can not now even imagine our worst days - nor, do I believe that it will emancipate the slave. But I hope in all these dark forebodings, I may prove a false prophet. Yet...the war was inevitable...the English Press...rage at us because we will not make the Slavery question, the direct object of the war...Who asked more from England than neutrality?"
Autograph letter signed from E. Littell to Charles Sumer, 25 April 1862, "reading my own introduction to Elihu Burritt's Plan for Compensated Emancipation. I have just sent it to the President [Lincoln]...I am not in favor of forcible colonization of our black brethren. But the prejudices of the 'mean whites' - & of so many of our western roughs and Democrats everywhere, are such, that we ought not to go against measures providing for voluntary emancipation...God only knows to what vast results might grow from planting a few hundred thousand of them in Central America."
Autograph letter signed of Edward Owen Parry to Benson J. Lossing, 4 January 1863, detailed account of the service of Nick Biddle, "supposed...a runaway slave." On passing through "Baltimore on the 18th of April 1861...the 'Nigger in Uniform' was the object of the Special attention of the Mob... A brick bat was thrown at Nick, which inflicted a Severe cut on the side of his face and head, causing the blood to flow very freely." The letter relates how Nick came "to have his Photograph taken and published as the man who lost the first blood in this rebellion."

Header Record
circa 1860s
[Slavery related collection] [Decimalized .01- .10]
Place Written
8 items
Primary time period
National Expansion and Reform, 1815-1860
Slavery & Anti-slavery