Douglas, Stephen Arnold, 1813-1861 Speech of Hon. Stephen A. Douglas, of Illinois, Delivered in Richmond, Virginia, July 9, 1852.

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9 July 1852
Douglas, Stephen Arnold, 1813-1861
Speech of Hon. Stephen A. Douglas, of Illinois, Delivered in Richmond, Virginia, July 9, 1852.
Place Written
Richmond, Virginia
8 p. : Height: 24.8 cm, Width: 16 cm
Primary time period
National Expansion and Reform, 1815-1860
Age of Jackson

Supports Franklin Pierce as the Democratic presidential candidate. Gives a summary of Pierce's achievements and qualifications for the position of president: "Hence, as democrats, we invite the most rigid and strict scrutiny into the public and private character of Franklin Pierce and William R. King." Talks of why General Winfield Scott of the Whig party would not be a good candidate. Also does not speak well of the Whig party in general: "Not content with depriving men of their bread, they turn them away with a tarnished name." Printed most likely by the Richmond Examiner, who wrote the introduction. Folio sheet folded into octavo size with top edges uncut.

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