Sandoz, Joel H., fl. 1840-1864 The Opelousas courier. [Vol. 12, no. 15 (September 10, 1864)]

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10 September 1864
Sandoz, Joel H., fl. 1840-1864
The Opelousas courier. [Vol. 12, no. 15 (September 10, 1864)]
Place Written
Opelousas, Louisiana
1 p. : wallpaper Height: 50.3 cm, Width: 26.9 cm

Notice of special orders from the Enrolling Office in the Parish of St. Landry requiring all African American men between the ages of 18 and 50 to report themselves immediately for military enrollment. Planters and enslavers who have not "reported their quota of negroes (between the ages of 18 and 45) for enrollment, will be promptly reported to Hd. Qrs. Bureau of Conscription." Proclamation by Louisiana Governor Henry Watkins Allen discussing a vacancy in the Confederate Congress. War reports, mentioning the activities of Lincoln, General Nathan Bedford Forrest, General Stephen Gano Burbridge, and Colonel John Singleton Mosby, among others. Colored floral wallpaper on back.

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