White, Jonathon C., fl. 1862-1863 The Weekly junior register. [Vol. 1, no. 43 (October 16, 1862)]


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16 October 1862
White, Jonathon C., fl. 1862-1863
The Weekly junior register. [Vol. 1, no. 43 (October 16, 1862)]
Place Written
Franklin, Louisiana
2 p. : wallpaper Height: 41 cm, Width: 29.2 cm
Primary time period
Civil War and Reconstruction, 1861-1877
The American Civil War

Several articles and ads are in both English and French. Content includes "Late News" on the Battle of Corinth, Butler's order from occupied New Orleans, requiring all adults who have not taken the oath of allegiance to report to the nearest Provost Marshal with a descriptive list of all property for taxation and for a certificate citing them as an enemy of the United States, news of a telegraph line connecting Washington and California, report of planned protest in New York against Lincoln's [preliminary] Emancipation Proclamation. An editorial examines Northern motivations. Printed on outer pages of a single sheet of blue, red, and tan wallpaper.

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