Gilmer, Jeremy Francis, 1818-1883 to Victor von Sheliha


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August 24, 1864
Gilmer, Jeremy Francis, 1818-1883
to Victor von Sheliha
Place Written
Richmond, Virginia
4 p. : Height: 20 cm, Width: 13 cm
Primary time period
Civil War and Reconstruction, 1861-1877
The American Civil War

Letter marked unofficial. Gilmer writes as Confederate Major General about Lieutenant Colonel Sheliha's resignation and his appointment of a successor. He believes that it is unfortunate that Sheliha is resigning while Mobile, Alabama is besieged by Federal forces. "This is a serious step for any officer to take in the present condition of our affairs - and I regret that you should have thought it proper to take it ... even while the Enemy was knocking at the doors of Mobile ... " He explains that it was absolutely necessary to appoint a replacement immediately, " ... one who would struggle against her [Mobile's] besiegers steadfastly and under all circumstances - Harmony was essential." He assures Sheliha that this immediate replacement was done out of necessity and does not reflect on Sheliha's past services, which are appreciated. Letter written on letterhead from the Confederate States of America War Department, Engineer Bureau.

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