Houston, Sam, 1793-1863 to Edward Burleson

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April 11, 1842
Houston, Sam, 1793-1863
to Edward Burleson
Place Written
Houston, Texas
5 p. : Height: 32 cm, Width: 20 cm
Primary time period
National Expansion and Reform, 1815-1860
Age of Jackson

Houston, as President of the Republic of Texas, writes to Edward Burleson, the Vice President of Texas, about the security of Austin as Texas's capital. He considers the vulnerability of the archives of the Republic to attack, while they are kept in Austin. Advocates the removal of the Texas government from Austin to Houston, because Houston is much easier to defend, especially in the case of a war with Mexico. He declares that the "Constitution has reserved to the Executive the right to remove the offices when he may deem proper in time of war, for the security of the archives of the Government. The contingency has arrived, in the opinion of the Executive; and he is the sole judge of the necessity." He believes that an attack on the Texas capital and the destruction of its archives would be "overwhelm[ing]" to the Republic and diminish its status in the eyes of the world. He describes how the Texas legislature has not provided him with the means necessary to defend the capital and the archives or to move the archives to another, safer place. He calls upon Burleson to help him quiet insurrections and defend the laws of the Republic. He suggests that Texas has a "spirit of insubordination," and uses "[t]he Alamo not being blown up, and Colonel [James] Fannin's disobedience of orders" as an example of that spirit. He argues that Texas's wellbeing depends on foreign aid, especially from the United States, and that aid will disappear if Texans "show that they are incapable of self-government." Therefore, Houston urges Burleson to use his authority to allow the government archives to be moved to a safer location.

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