[Furlough granted to Brigadier General N. C. McLean]

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GLC01740.05.03-View header record
4 April 1865
[Furlough granted to Brigadier General N. C. McLean]
Place Written
Goldsboro, North Carolina
2 p. : envelope Height: 24.9 cm, Width: 19.4 cm
Primary time period
Civil War and Reconstruction, 1861-1877
The American Civil War

Written on printed Head Quarters, Department of North Carolina, Army of the Ohio stationery. Grants General Nathaniel Collins McLean a leave of absence, "with permission to proceed to Cincinnati and await the action of the War Dept on the tender of his resignation." Issued by Major General John McAllister Schofield. Signed by Schofield's assistant adjutant general, whose signature is illegible. Contains an endorsement on verso, from the same date, also signed by the assistant adjutant general, who notes "The Q M Dept will furnish transportation to Washington, D.C. to Gen McLean..."

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