Howell, Joseph, 1750-1798 [Four unrelated military documents from 1791-1792]


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GLC02437.10240-View header record
27 August-14 November 1792
Howell, Joseph, 1750-1798
[Four unrelated military documents from 1791-1792]
Place Written
Cincinnati, Ohio
5 p. : Height: 38.6 cm, Width: 23.5 cm
Primary time period
The New Nation, 1783-1815
The Early Republic

Four separate documents combined. First document lists month pay due to officers, listed by rank as of 4 November 1791. Dated 14 November 1791. Noted as B. No. 12 in the upper left corner. Second document discusses "Money received from W. Howell in my capacity of Pay Master to the troops and the state of the account on the fifth day of November 1792." Dated 5 November 1791. Lists amounts due by date and the balance. Noted as "a true copy of the orginial on file in the War-Office of the United States." Noted as No. 13 at the top of the page. Third document discusses "Recruiting instructions to ______ of the ______ regiment of Levies." Not dated. Noted as No. 14 at the top of the page. Details instructions "for raising and adding another Regiment to the Military Establishment of the United States, and for making farther provision for the protection of the frontier..." Noted as a "True Copy from the records of the War Office." Fourth document is a letter from J. Ludlow to Major General St. Clair. Dated 27 August 1791. Discusses the "purchase or hire of pack Horses to transport the supplies of the army on the Campaign..." Noted as a copy and written in Cincinnati, Ohio. Missing a portion of text due to a hole towards the middle of the page. Extensive water damage at the top of the pages and along the edge. Letterpress copy.

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