Damuth, Dolphus, fl. 1839-1913 to Maria Damuth

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GLC03523.14.43-View header record
13 November 1863
Damuth, Dolphus, fl. 1839-1913
to Maria Damuth
Place Written
Vermillionville, Louisiana
4 p. : envelope Height: 12.5 cm, Width: 20 cm
Primary time period
Civil War and Reconstruction, 1861-1877
The American Civil War

Writes to his sister about a skirmish between Union cavalry and Rebel mounted infantry a few days earlier, "we heard the canon very plain but it was 4 mils away from here." Mentions rumors that many infantry regiments have been transformed into mounted infantry, but "I hope not I had rather go afoote than to be bothered with a horse." If he could enlist again, believes he would sign up with heavy artillery. Writes about his brother John, who he hopes will not be drafted. Asks about the results of the elections in Wisconsin. Damuth received a ticket for the Democratic party from a friend, but "you cant stuff no such kind of a ticket down soldiers that know any thing." Writes that the regiment is well and proudly proclaims, "we are tough raged dirty and Lousey."

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