Damuth, Dolphus, fl. 1839-1913 to Maria Damuth

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GLC03523.14.64-View header record
3 August 1864
Damuth, Dolphus, fl. 1839-1913
to Maria Damuth
Place Written
Morganza, Louisiana
4 p. : Height: 12.5 cm, Width: 20.5 cm
Primary time period
Civil War and Reconstruction, 1861-1877
The American Civil War

Writes to his sister with little war news, there has not been recent action, and Damuth says, "I sleep most of my time." There have been rumors that the men will be moved to the Potomac. The men have received information about "the great fight that Sherman had…The Death of Gen McPherson is a great loss to the country he is the best Gen we have lost in this war and I think we have but one better Gen left and that is Grant." Describes seeing McPherson, Logan and Grant during the Siege of Vicksburg. Damuth hopes Lincoln will not settle with the Confederates, but will make them "lay down their arms and come back into the Union and behave themselves." Writes about the recruiting of new men and doubts that they will be able to find substitutes. Discusses family and soldiers' finances. Had "some photographs taken at Algiers but they looked so horrible that I hated to send any home."

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