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At the Institute’s core is the Gilder Lehrman Collection, one of the great archives in American history. More than 85,000 items cover five hundred years of American history, from Columbus’s 1493 letter describing the New World through the end of the twentieth century.

Coit, Charles M. (1838-1878) to his family

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Gilder Lehrman Collection #: GLC03603.251 Author/Creator: Coit, Charles M. (1838-1878) Place Written: New York, New York Type: Autograph letter signed Date: 26 September 1863 Pagination: 1 p. Order a Copy

Writes that they are leaving for New Haven that evening. Requests that his family not come immediately to visit. They had a very unpleasant march to New York.

New York Sept 26
Dear All, Arrived here last night. We have been taking our own time during our return passage - we have been much longer about it than I desired for I hoped to have been home or at least have seen you at New Haven ere this. we shall leave for New Haven to - night at eleven o'clock - we arrive in N H early in the morning. will it not be best for you to come on immediately & arrange for the winter. I do hope you are all well - it seems a long time since I have heard from you. we had a rough & most unpleasant trip going on & to finish up had to march over ten miles Sunday P.M. Very best love, Chas.

Coit, Charles M., 1838-1878

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