Knapp, Alfred, fl. 1835 An Act for the Government and regulation of seamen [for "Lady Washington"]


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Broadsides, posters & signs
May 1835
Knapp, Alfred, fl. 1835
An Act for the Government and regulation of seamen [for "Lady Washington"]
Place Written
Newburyport, MA
1 p. : Height: 43.2 cm, Width: 35.1 cm
Primary time period
The New Nation, 1783-1815
The Early Republic

Printed official act by the United States Congress outlining restrictions and regulations which will apply to Seamen in the Merchants' Service. Authored by Frederick Augustus Muhlenberg as Speaker of the House of Representatives, John Adams as Vice President of the U.S. and President of the Senate, George Washington as President, and Thomas Jefferson as Secretary of State. Enacted January 4, 1790 and printed by Joseph H. Buckingham, sold by John G. Tilton in Newburyport. On verso, printed and handwritten agreement between Alfred Knapp, master of the brig "Lady Washington" of Newburyport, and the seamen or mariners of that ship, regarding wages for a voyage to the West Indies. Signed by Alfred Knapp, William Welsh, James Madison, Artimus Buck, and Daniel [Tilton]. Small docket on recto dates the shipping papers "May 1835".

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