Fisher, Benjamin Franklin, 1834-1915 [Battle report during the seige of Petersburg]

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25 October 1864
Fisher, Benjamin Franklin, 1834-1915
[Battle report during the seige of Petersburg]
Place Written
18 p. : Height: 32.5 cm, Width: 20 cm
Primary time period
Civil War and Reconstruction, 1861-1877
The American Civil War

Written at Headquarters, Army of the Potomac. Originally written by Fisher, Major and Chief Signal Officer, Army of the Potomac. Written to Lieutenant Colonel William Joseph Leonard Nicodemus, Commanding Signal Corps, Washington, D.C. Marked as a true copy by Stephen M. Eaton, Captain of Signal Corps, United States. Fisher submits monthly reports from his department for July, August, and September 1864. Discusses in detail important stations in operation near Petersburg, Virginia. Mentions a concentration of Confederate forces 27 June 1864, possibly in anticipation of the 19 June Battle of Ream's Station I. Mentions Union General James Wilson. Refers to the Battle of the Crater, 30 July 1864. Notes Confederate troop movement in detail. 13 August 1864, mentions coordination between the troops of Union Generals David Bell Birney and Winfield Scott Hancock. Records the 18-21 August battle of Globe Tavern (refers to the engagement as "Weldon Rail Road"). Mentions the leadership of Union General Gouverneur Kemble Warren in this engagement. Discusses the 25 August 1864 Battle of Ream's Station. On page 17, recommends several privates for promotion to sergeant. Bound at the top with pink ribbon.

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