Monroe, James, 1758-1831 Additional Instruction to the public and private armed vessels of the United States

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28 August 1812
Monroe, James, 1758-1831
Additional Instruction to the public and private armed vessels of the United States
Place Written
Washington, District of Columbia
1 p. : Height: 25 cm, Width: 20 cm
Primary time period
The New Nation, 1783-1815
The Age of Jefferson & Madison

Printed letter signed by Secretary of State James Monroe. Orders that public and private armed vessels are not to stop American merchant ships coming from British ports with British goods because of the "alledged" repeal of the British Orders in Council. Asks that merchant ships be assisted and says that cargoes can be dealt with on arrival. The Orders in Council were repealed on 16 June 1812, two days before Congress declared war. The news arrived too late to influence events.

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