Adams, John, 1735-1826 A Defence of the Constitutions of the government of the United States...[1st ed]


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Books & pamphlets
1787, 1788, 1794/05/21
Adams, John, 1735-1826
A Defence of the Constitutions of the government of the United States...[1st ed]
Place Written
London, England
3 v. Height: 21.8 cm, Width: 13.7 cm
Primary time period
The New Nation, 1783-1815
Creating a New Government

First Edition. Vols. 1-2 issued 1787; vol. 3 issued 1788. Each volume inscribed by Adams to the famous French diplomat Charles M. Talleyrand, who in turn gave them to someone else. In this work, Adams forcibly states the principles on which he perceived the United States to be founded. The book was popular and went through numerous editions. Later, Adams' detractors sought to find in it a hidden desire for a monarchy. In 1788 Adams extended this work by publishing two additional volumes in London. Howes a60. Sabin 233. Evans 20176. DAB 1: 76. USE WITH CARE: volumes have chemical odor; special housing constructed May 99 to control odor.

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