[carte de visite photograph album of Lincoln and family]

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[carte de visite photograph album of Lincoln and family]
Place Written
1 photograph album Height: 11.2 cm, Width: 9 cm
Primary time period
Civil War and Reconstruction, 1861-1877
Age of Jackson

Carte de visite photograph album of Lincoln and family containing eleven photographs (#i-xi) and one engraving (#xii).

i. "Death bed of Lincoln." Photo of engraving showing Andrew Johnson, Charles Sumner, and other political figures gathered around Lincoln's deathbed.

ii. Close-up image of grave marker with vignetted image of Brady's five-dollar bill pose and the inscription: "A. Lincoln. The Martyr President. Born Feb. 12 1809, Died April 15 1865." Photo of engraving.

iii. [Gardner, Alexander. Washington, D.C., 5 February 1865.] Shows Lincoln, seated, and son Tad, standing, on opposite ends of a table. [O-114].

iv. Seated half length portrait of Mary Todd Lincoln [during early 1862]. Photo of engraving.

v. Bust portrait of Lincoln. Photo of engraving mounted in oval embossed mat.

vi. "Lincoln and Family." Photograph of an engraving of Lincoln, his wife, sons Robert and Tad, and an image of deceased son Willie on the wall behind them. [O-93 variant].

vii. Photo of engraving of Lincoln and son Tad looking at a book. [O-93 variant.]

viii. Vignetted version of image #vii.

ix. Photo of four engravings (clockwise from top right): "Secretary Seward's Attempted Assassination," "President Lincoln's Funeral: The Catafalque Used in the Procession in New York," "View of a Portion of 9th Street, Opposite Ford's Theatre," and "Ford's Theatre at Washington."

x. Photo of engraving of Lincoln lying in state in the Capitol.

xi. Photo of engraving of a woman [Lady Liberty or Columbia?] weeping over Lincoln's coffin. An image of a weeping soldier is engraved in the upper right corner.

xii. Bust portrait of Lincoln. Hand colored engraving.

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