Scrapbook, Vol. I.

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GLC06196.105-View header record
Scrapbooks & Albums
circa 1940-1945
Scrapbook, Vol. I.
Place Written
91 items
Primary time period
Great Depression and World War II, 1929-1945
World War II

1 Woodward, Warren B. TLS: to Hilldring re: roster of Company K, 38th U.S. Infantry. 19 Jan 1940
2 Roster of Company K, 38th U.S. Infantry, 3rd Division, U.S.A. 1 Jan 1918
3 a. Clipping from [?]: "Army Transfers Major Hilldring…": [n.d.]
b. Circular patch with red background and white flower. [n.d.]
c. Patch with insignia of the Rail Splitters, the 84th Division. [n.d.]
4 Clipping from Arizona Republic: "Chamber Asks $32,500 As Advertising Fund." [n.d.]
5 a. Bull, H.R. Memo to Hilldring re: duty with WDGS in G-I. 1 Jul 1939
b. Clipping from Army and Navy Journal re: Hilldring's transfer. 10 Jun 1939
6 Smith, W.B. TL to Hilldring re: Hilldring's service. [n.d.]
7 a. "Special Orders No. 304." re: Hilldrings's appointment to colonel. 31 Dec 1941
b. "Special Orders No. 17." re: Hilldring's appointment to brigadier general. 20 Jan 1942
8 Announcement of Hilldring's appointment as Assistant Chief of Staff, G-1, by War Dept. Bureau of Public Relations. 21 Jan 1942
9 a. Clipping from The Washington Post: "Six Brigadiers Nominated for Major General: 'Navy Bill' Ingram's Father is Elevated to Rear Admiral." 14 Jan 1942
b. Clipping from unknown newspaper, Monmouth, N.J.: "Gen. Hilldring Named to High Army Post." 22 Jan 1942
c. Clipping from The Standard-Star, New Rochelle, N.Y.: "Hilldring Named for Brig. General: Native of New Rochelle Nominated by FDR for Army Promotion." 14 Jan 1942
d. Clipping from The New York Herald Tribune: "Brig. Gen. Hilldring, 46, New Assistant Staff Chief: Army Names One of Youngest Officers of His Rank." 22 Jan 1942
e. Clipping from Nordsternan, Dstjernan: "General Hilldring nummer tre från toppen" [in Swedish]. 12 Mar 1942
10 a. Clipping from The Washington Post: "Tinker Raised: 15 Generals Nominated by President." 15 Jan 1942
b. Clipping from Army and Navy Journal: "General Hilldring Testifies." 18 Apr 1942
c. Clipping from New York Herald Tribune: "Promotion List Creates 5 New Major Generals: Advancing of 15 Others to Brigadiers Also Sent to Senate for Confirmation." 15 Jan 1942
11 a. Clipping from Beta Theta Pi, Germantown, Pa.: "Beta Generals." May 1942
b. Clipping from Beta Theta Pi, Germantown, Pa.: "About General Hilldring." May 1942
12 a. Clipping from Beta Theta Pi, Germantown, Pa. re: photographs of military officers. Dec 1942
b. List of military officers under various branches. 20 Jan 1942
13 a. Giles, G.B. ALS: to Hilldring re: G-1 forms. 20 Jan 1942
b. "Personnel Division, G-1, WDGS, Munitions Building." 5 Jul 1939
c. "Personnel Division, G-1, WDGS, Munitions Building." 17 Dec 1941
d. "Personnel Division, G-1, WDGS, Munitions Building." 8 Jan 1942
e. "Personnel Division, G-1, WDGS, Munitions Building." 20 Jan 1942
14 a. G.B.W. ALS to Hilldring re: task requst. [n.d.]
b. F.T.W. ALS to Hilldring re: insulting letters to Governor Hurley. [n.d.]
c. "Confidential, No. 5." Card re: confidentiality of military matters. [n.d.]
d. Pass to the United States Senate Chamber. 15 Aug 1944
e. Pass to the United States House of Representatives. 15 Aug 1944
15 a. Clipping from New York Times Magazine: "High-ranking Army Officers Approach Her With Directness and Ease." 24 May 1942
b. Clipping from Infantry Journal: "U.S. Infantry Association." [n.d.]
16 a. Membership card: "Army and Navy Legion of Valor, U.S.A." 1944
b. Extract from The Infantry Journal, Washington, D.C. [n.d.]
c. Extract from The Infantry Journal, Washington, D.C. [n.d.]
d. Extract from The Infantry Journal, Washington, D.C. [n.d.]
17 a. Clipping from The New York Times: "Roosevelt Names 6 Major Generals." 15 Jan 1942
b. Clipping from The New York Times: "Army Chiefs in Charge of Men and Arms." 25 Jan 1942
c. Clipping from The New York Times: "Army Chiefs in Charge of Men and Arms." [with Hilldring's picture removed] 25 Jan 1942
17 d. Clipping from unknown newspaper, Harrisburg, Pa.,: "Brig. Gen. J.H. Hilldring is Operations Section Head at Carlisle Barracks." 19 Jan 1942
18 a. Clipping from The Charlotte Observer: "He's Elevated to Brigadier at Age of 46." 1942
b. Clipping from unknown newspaper: "Six Brigadiers Nominated for Major General." 14 Jan 1942
c. Clipping from The Evening Star, Washington, D.C.: "Gen. Gerow is Named Commanding Officer of 29th Division." 20 Feb 1942
d. Clipping from Rocky Mountain News: "'Women in Army' Bill Wins House Backing." [n.d.]
19 a. Clipping from New York Times [?]: "Roosevelt Names 6 Major Generals." 15 Jan 1942
b. Lovejoy, Clarence E. ALS to Hilldring re: scrapbook. With attached newspaper article. 22 Jan 1942
20 "Women's Army Auxiliary Corps: Hearing Before the Committee on Military Affairs, U.S. Senate." Hearing Report S. 2240. 6 Feb 1942
21 a. Clipping from The Standard-Star, New Rochelle, N.Y.: "Hilldring Named Army Chief Aide." 22 Jan 1942
b. Clipping from unknown newspaper: "Army Names Hilldring Chief of Personnel." [n.d.]
c. Clipping from unknown newspaper: "Hilldring Given Personnel Post." [n.d.]
d. Clipping from The Evening Star, Washington, D.C.: "Gen. Hilldring Appointed Assistant Chief of Staff." 22 Jan 1942
e. Clipping from Army and Navy Register, Washington, D.C.: "Gen. Hilldring is 'G-1.'" 24 Jan 1942
f. Clipping from Columbia Alumni News: "Alumni Generals." [n.d.]
22 Adams, Ed. TLS to Hilldring re: promotion to Assistant Chief of Staff, G-1. 13 Jan 1942
23 a. Clipping from The New York Times: "Army Chiefs in Charge of Men and Arms." 25 Jan 1942
b. Clipping from Rockford Morning Star, Rockford, Ill.: "Young General." 4 Feb 1942
24 [blank]
25 Gregory, E.B. TLS to Hilldring re: flags and buntings. 27 Jan 1942
26 a. Clipping from New York Times: "Eisenhower as War Plans Chief Completes Army Staff Recasting." [n.d.]
b. Clipping from Army and Navy Register: "Army Reorganization." 14 Mar 1942
c. Clipping from unknown newspaper: "New Chief of War Plans in Army Named." [n.d.]
27 a. Clipping from The Evening Star, Washington, D.C.: "Roosevelt Calls Navy Chiefs for Strategy Talks." 10 Mar 1942
b. [?] Note re: General Harrison's call. [n.d.]
28 Clipping from The Washington Post: "Army, Navy Setup Shuffled, Stark's Duties Given to King; Our Subs Hit 5 Jap Warships." 10 Mar 1942
28 Clipping from The Courier-Journal, Louisville, Ky.: "Youthful General Staff Takes Over Army Rule." 10 Mar 1942
29 a. Clipping from Army and Navy Journal: "Army Reorganization." 14 Mar 1942
b. Clipping from Times Herald, Washington, D.C.: "Younger Men to For[c]e." 10 Mar 1942
30 Clipping from Columbia Alumni News: "In High Command." 20 Mar 1942
31 Clipping from The New York Times: "Revitalized Staff Is Put Over Army." 10 Mar 1942
32 a. Sammon, Wheeler. TLS to Hilldring re: 23rd edition of Who's Who in America. 6 Apr 1942
b. Biographical sketch of Hilldring from 23rd edition of Who's Who in America. [1942]
33 Certificate to Florence Hilldring re: promotion of her husband. Signed by Adchison D. Davis. 21 Jan 1942
34 Clipping from The Times Herald, Washington, D.C.: "Secretary of War Draws First Wartime Draft Lottery." 18 Mar 1942
35 Hershey, Lewis B. TLS to Hilldring re: Third National Lottery. 9 Mar 1942
Clipping from unknown newspaper: "Draft Lottery Tonight Will Fix Status of 9,000,000 Men." 17 Mar 1942
36-37 Clipping from The Washington Post: "Draft Lottery Today to List 9 Million." 17 Mar 1942
38 Clipping from The Chicago Daily Tribune: "Draft Deferment Plan: Army to Enlist Collegians for Officer Course." 25 Apr 1942
39 a. Clipping from The News-Gazette, Champaign-Urbana, Ill.: "Deans are Told of Army and Navy Plans." 24 Apr 1942
b. Program: 24th Annual Conference of the National Association of Deans and Advisors of Men. 22-25 Apr 1942
c. [?] TN re: Hilldrig's appearance on April 24. [n.d.]
40 a. Clipping from Washington Daily News: "Just Before Heroic Epic of Bataan Ended." 10 Apr 1942
b. Clipping from unknown newspaper re: preinduction training of college students. [n.d.]
41 [blank]
42 Manning, Reg. Cartoon re: women in the army. [n.d.]
43 Photograph of the 84th Infantry Division, with names listed. Aug 1942
44 [blank]
45 a. Moore, Edward C., Jr. Permit allowing Florence Hilldring to hunt and fish on the Camp Howze Military Reservation. [n.d.]
b. Clipping from Gainesville Daily Register, Gainesville, Tex.: "Gen. Hilldring is Visitor in City Thursday." 13 Aug 1942
c. Gainesville Chamber of Commerce. Advertisement: "An Ideal City in Which to Live." [n.d.]
d. Clipping from unknown newspaper, Gainesville, Tex.: "Ten-Year Rainfall Record." Dec 1942
e. Membership card for 84th Infantry Division Officer's Mess. [n.d.]
46 [blank]
47 a. Clipping from Gainesville Daily Register, Gainesville, Tex.: "Gen. J.H. Hilldring Assumes Duties at Camp Howze." 31 Aug 1942
b. Clipping from unknown newspaper: "The Rail Splitters." [n.d.]
48 a. Clipping from Gainesville Daily Register and Messenger, Gainesville, Tex.: "First Officers of 84th Division are at Camp Howze." 20 Aug 1942
b. Clipping from Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Fort Worth, Tex.: "Chief 'Rail Splitter' and Aide Get Their Men." 15 Sep 1942
49 a. Clipping from Dallas Morning News, Dallas, Tex.: "New Division Has Tradition of Pioneering." 3 Sep 1942
b. Clipping from unknown newspaper: "First USO Dance Given Saturday for Soldiers Here." [n.d.]
c. Clipping from unknown newspaper: "Congratulations in Order." 21 Sep 1942
50 a. Clipping from unknown newspaper: "Summarizing the News." [n.d.]
b. Clipping from Dallas Morning News: "'This is Always Your Home.'" 19 Sep 1942
c. Clipping from New York Tribune: "Army Officers' Insignia Taken off Shirt Shoulders." 28 Aug 1942
51 a. Clipping from Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Fort Worth, Tex.: "84th Division Commander Visitor Here." 19 Sep 1942
b. Clipping from New York Herald Tribune: "Devers is Slated For Lieutenant General's Rank." 22 Sep 1942
c. Clipping from unknown newspaper: "Gen. Hilldring Would Have Men of 84th Imbued with Pioneer Spirit." [n.d.]
52 a. Clipping from Gainesville Daily Register and Messenger, Gainesville, Tex.: "Thousands of Citizens Inspect Army Camp." 15 Oct 1942
b. Clipping from unknown magazine: "Camp Howze Activated in Colorful Ceremonies." [n.d.]
53 a. Clipping from New York Herald Tribune: "Devers Raised to a Lieutenant General's Rank." 22 Sep 1942
b. Clipping from Daily Tribune, Chicago: "Appoint 18 New Major Generals, 62 Brigadiers." [n.d.]
54 a. Clipping from The New York Times: "Three-Star Rank Given to Devers." 22 Sep 1942
b. Clipping from Dallas Morning News, Dallas, Tex.: "Rail Splitters Chief Advanced." 26 Sep 1942
c. Clipping from Beta Theta Pi magazine: "Promoted." Dec 1942
55 a. Clipping from The Commercial Appeal, Memphis, Tenn.: "Lear's Staff Chief is Brigadier General." [n.d.]
b. Clipping from New York Herald Tribune: "Devers is Slated For Lieutenant General's Rank." 22 Sep 1942
c. Clipping [from Standard Star], New Rochelle, N.Y.: "Hilldring, New Rochelle Native, Promoted to Major General." [22 Sep 1942]
56a a. Adjutant General's Office, War Dept. AN to Hilldring. re: appointment to the rank of Major General. 24 Sep 1942
56a b. Adjutant General's Office, War Dept. Announcement of Hilldring's promotion to Major General. 9 Oct 1942
56b a. Clipping from Gainesville (Texas) Daily Register: "Generals at Camp Howze." 25 Sep 1942
b. Clipping from Fort Worth Star-Telegram-Sunday, Fort Worth, Tex.:"To Command 84th." 23 Aug 1942
57 Camp Howze Howitzer, Gainesville, Tex. Vol. 1, no. 6. 25 Sep 1942
58-59 Clipping from unknown newspaper: "Command of the 84th Division is Assigned to Distinguished Men." 4 Jul 1942
59 Clipping from The New York Times: "Ingersoll is Made a Full Admiral." 4 Jul 1942
60 Clipping fom Gainesville Daily Register and Messenger, Gainesville, Tex.: "In Memory." 13 Nov 1942
61 Clipping from Camp Howze Howitzer, Gainesville, Tex.: "Armistice Parade Brings Cheers…" 13 Nov 1942
62 a. Clipping from Evening Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Fort Worth, Tex.: "Present at Formal activation of 102nd Infantry Division at Camp Maxey." 16 Sep 1942
b. Clipping from Evening Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Fort Worth, Tex.: "Descendants of Civil War General Attend Activation." 15 Sep [1942]
63 a. Clipping from Evening Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Fort Worth, Tex.: "Gen. Hilldring Sees Activation of 102nd Division." [n.d.]
b. Clipping from Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Fort Worth, Tex.: "Activation Ceremonies Are Set for 84th Division." 26 Sep 1942
c. Clipping from Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Fort Worth, Tex.: "To Be in Armistice Day Parade." [n.d.]
d. Clipping from Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Fort Worth, Tex.: "Activation Rites For 48th Division Have Been Planned." 26 Sep 1942
e. Clipping from Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Fort Worth, Tex.: "General Pleased With Gifts for Camp Howze." 26 Sep 1942
f. Clipping from Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Fort Worth, Tex.: "Streets Must be Clear for Marchers; Stores to Close for Holiday." [n.d.]
64 a. Clipping from unknown newspaper: "Thousands Witness Big Military Parade in City Wednesday." [n.d.]
b. Clipping from unknown newspaper: "Proof of Welcome." [n.d.]
64 c. Ticket to Activation Ceremony of the 84th Infantry Division. 15 Oct 1942
65 Hilldring, John. "The Salute." 15 Oct 1942
66 Clipping from Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Fort Worth, Tex.: "Famed 84th Division is Re-Activated in Colorful Ceremony at Camp Howze." 16 Oct 1942
67 a. Clipping from Gainesville Daily Register and Messenger, Gainesville, Tex. re: Major General C. H. Hodges. 14 Oct 1942
b. Clipping from Gainesville Daily Register and Messenger, Gainesville, Tex.: "Gainesville to Turn Out for Activation Rites: Schools and Stores to be Closed During Camp Howze Ceremony." 14 Oct 1942
68 a. Clipping from Gainesville Daily Register and Messenger, Gainesville, Tex.: "Activation of 84th Division to be Thursday." 14 Oct 1942
b. Clipping from Gainesville Daily Register and Messenger, Gainesville, Tex.: "Battle Flags of Old 84th to be Presented by General Donovan." [n.d.]
69 "General Orders, No.1," Camp Howze, Tex. re: activation of the 84th Infantry Division. 15 Oct 1942
70 a. Clipping from unknown newpaper, Ardmore, Tex.: "Camp Howze Officer Here." [n.d.]
b. Clipping from The Dallas Morning News, Dallas, Tex.: "Camp Howze Activated at Gainesville." 20 Aug 1942
c. "U.S. Army Group." Crossword puzzle with Rail Splitters insignia. [n.d.]
d. Shaw, Ferndon. Invitation. 23 Oct 1942
71 a. Clipping from The Free Press, Gainesville, Tex.: "Camp Howze Open to Public Today." 15 Oct 1942
b. Clipping from Gainesville Daily Register and Messenger, Gainesville, Tex.: "Thousands of Citizens Inspect Army Camp." 15 Oct 1942
72 a. Clipping from Los Angeles [?]: "Armored Force Head Promoted." [n.d.]
b. Clipping from unknown newspaper: "Large Scale Promotions in Services Made." [n.d.]
73 Clipping from The Daily Register, Gainesville, Tex.: "An unusual opportunity for Gainesville Business Firms to extend welcome to EVERY Officer and Man of the 84th Division." 1-8 Oct 1942
74 a. Clipping from Gainesville Daily Messenger and Register, Gainesville, Tex.: "Thousands of Citizens Inspect Army Camp." [n.d.]
74 b. Clipping from The Dallas Morning News, Dallas, Tex.: "Gen. Krueger To Activate New Division." 14 Oct 1942
c. Clipping from The Dallas Morning News, Dallas, Tex.: "Promotions for Three Officers of 84th Division." [n.d.]
75 Clipping from The Dallas Morning News, Dallas, Tex.: "84th Division Activated at Gainesville." 16 Oct 1942
76 a. Clipping from Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Fort Worth, Tex.: "As 84th Division Got Ready for Its Second World War." 16 Oct 1942
b. Clipping from Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Fort Worth, Tex.: "New 84th Division is Activated at Gainesville Camp." 16 Oct 1942
77 a. Photograph, Camp Howze, Tex. Image of three men in uniform. [n.d.]
b. Photograph, Camp Howze, Tex. Image of seven men in uniform. [n.d.]
78 a. Clipping from The Free Press: Camp Howze News, Gainesville, Tex.: "Activation Plans For 84th Advance." 8 Oct 1942
b. Photograph, Camp Howze, Tex. Image of six men in uniform. [n.d.]
79 Certificate from the Louisiana Club of Houston, Tex. 4 Jul 1942
80 a. Clipping from unknown newspaper, Camp Howze, Tex: "High Was the Rank Last Week…" 1 Jan 1943
b. Chaplain, A. ANS to Hilldring re: Hilldring's speech. 17 Nov [n.y.]
81 Photograph, Camp Howze, Tex. Image of three men pointing toward a group of soldiers in the background [n.d.]
82 Photograph, Camp Howze, Tex. Image of Hilldring and another man, possibly Lt. General Walter Krueger. [n.d.]
83 a. Photograph, Camp Howze, Tex. Shows men of the 84th Infantry firing at targets. 9 June 1943
b. [?] TN: "Fire on that Target," 1 p. Note accompanying item #1. 9 June 1943
84 a. Clipping from Dallas Morning News, Dallas, Tex.: "Teamwork Stressed." 24 Jan 1943
b. Clipping from Dallas Morning News, Dallas, Tex.: "High Ranking Officer Here." 24 Jan 1943
85 a. Clipping from Gainesville Register, Gainesville, Tex.: "Gen. Hilldring Speaker Tuesday at Kiwanis Meet." [27 Oct 1942]
85 b. Clipping from Camp Howze Howitzer, Camp Howze, Tex.: "Gen. Hilldring Speaker Tuesday at Kiwanis Meet." 30 Oct 1942
86 a. Clipping from unknown newspaper: "Present Chapels of 84th Division in Service Here." [n.d.]
b. Program, "Christmas Services." Division Troops Chapel, Camp Howze, Tex. 25 Dec 1942
87 Photograph, Camp Howze, Tex. Image of Hilldring, Walter Krueger, C. H. Hodges, Alexander E. Anderson, and John P. Wheeler. Dec 1942
88 a. Clipping from unknown newspaper: "Captive of Jap Returns 57th Regiment Colors." [n.d.]
b. Membership card: "Scouts" troop HQ, Marianas Islands. [n.d.]
c. Clipping from unknown newspaper re: 84th Division. [n.d.]
d. Clipping from unknown newspaper: "Lost Private Finds Front." [n.d.]
89 a. Clipping from unknown newspaper: "9th Army Tanks Only 120 Miles From Berlin." [n.d.]
b. Bolling, D.R. "Christmas Greetings from the 84th Division." Dec 1944
90 Marshall, G.C. Telegram to Hilldring re: Hilldring's health; returning to service. 19 Feb 1943
91 a. Holborn, Hajo. TLS to Ray J. Laux re: forwarding a clipping from Pester Lloyd. 14 Aug 1943
b. War Department. "Restricted: Special Orders No. 103." re: Hilldring's appointment to Chief of the Civil Affairs Division. 13 Apr 1943
c. Clipping from Pester Lloyd, Budapest. re: appointment of Hilldring to Chief of the Civil Affairs Division, War Department. [in German and English] 18 Apr 1943

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