Hutson, Charles J., 1842-1902 to Marion Hutson

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GLC08165.65-View header record
February 19, 1864
Hutson, Charles J., 1842-1902
to Marion Hutson
Place Written
Orange C. H., Virginia
4 p. :
Primary time period
Civil War and Reconstruction, 1861-1877
The American Civil War

Writes to his brother that he has been back at camp 19 days and has not heard from anyone in Pocotaligo, South Carolina. Reports on what has been happening in camp since he has been back. Explains that they discussed Congress, first negatively, then with praise for their military tax bills. 133 conscripts have been added, they have gotten coffee and sugar but little meat, they have moved to a new camp, and have praised General Lee for granting furloughs. Mentions that he is lonesome. He is waiting for a box Marion is sending. Comments that is he waiting for a recruit that Marion is sending as well. States Ben Martin is probably on his way back to camp. Notes that General Samuel McGowan is back and he heard that General Abner M. Perrine is in charge of Cadmus M. Wilcox's old Brigade (Alabama Brigade). Asks Marion to write soon since things are dull. Asks him to break in his colt and not sell him. Gives love to family members. Charles J. Hutson was a Corporal, 1st South Carolina Infantry, during the Civil War.

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