Confederate States of America. Congress Resolutions respecting the present war, and the causes leading thereto

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January 20, 1863
Confederate States of America. Congress
Resolutions respecting the present war, and the causes leading thereto
Place Written
Richmond, Virginia
6 p. : Height: 23 cm, Width: 14.5 cm
Primary time period
Civil War and Reconstruction, 1861-1877
The American Civil War

Confederate resolution proclaiming the South will "forever remain free," condemning the Emancipation Procliation, and blaming the Civil War on Northern fanatics, "the Black Republican party." States "The war now existing between the Confederate States and the United States, had its origins from bad and wicked fanatics, known as the abolition party...they not only made war upon the institution of slavery, but went so far as to proclaim the equality of the black with the white race, thus adding the grossest insults to the past and contemplated injuries to the Southern people." Lincoln's proclimation is responsible for "creating a servile insurrection, and instigating the indiscriminate butchery of helpless women and children."

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