Glen, Tyre, fl. 1833 Slave dealer letter

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February 23, 1833
Glen, Tyre, fl. 1833
Slave dealer letter
Place Written
4 p. :
Primary time period
National Expansion and Reform, 1815-1860
Age of Jackson

" I have purchased...a very large and tolerable likely fellow of Hollingsworth at $450, Ralph of Elder Patterson at $425, he keeps him untill his crop is finished unless he becomes unruly. Thar is at this time at least double the number of negroes for sale that has ever been offered since we have been buying, tho at such high prices that I dislike to buy girls particularly..." Speaking of a new competitor in the slave trade: "He is the damdest man I ever met with in any market, he has a constitution like a hors, rides day and knight sunday not exepted, is as destitute of Honor as ... a dog is of Sole...Money is scars and will I think get very scarser by fall, and I think a good many negroes will be forsed in to market for cash, tho thar is more competition than I have ever known..." To business partner Isaac Jarratt, with whom he sold slaves between North Carolina and Alabama. Integral address leaf.

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