Hammond, Horace J., fl. 1862-1865 to Eleanor Hammond

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GLC09273.07-View header record
20 October 1864
Hammond, Horace J., fl. 1862-1865
to Eleanor Hammond
Place Written
City Point, Virginia
4 p. : Height: 19.5 cm, Width: 12.3 cm
Primary time period
Civil War and Reconstruction, 1861-1877
The American Civil War

Glad to hear all is well. Sad to hear that [Silphey] had died and "sorry to hear that Charley was wounded." One of his comrade's guns had gone off, shooting him in the leg just above the ankle. The surgeon took the bullet out, and "it did not go through." Has been with the boys the whole time. His leg is rehabilitating quickly. "Can walk some" on the bad leg, but not completely. Still not much to do around camp. Weather is fine. Have not been in any real danger here. Joseph has gained seven pounds since he left. "They have sent plenty of men up to the front and they are going to take Petersburg and Richmond soon." More and more rebels desert every day, as many as 100 per day. The rebels have not even 100,000 men left in Petersburg and Richmond. "Today we are going to vote for President." Preparing winter quarters. "If the Lord is willing I shall come back to stay with you." Tells her to pray to the Lord.

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