Hammond, Horace J., fl. 1862-1865 to Eleanor Hammond

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December 25, 1864
Hammond, Horace J., fl. 1862-1865
to Eleanor Hammond
Place Written
City Point, Virginia
4 p. : Height: 21.2 cm, Width: 13.6 cm
Primary time period
Civil War and Reconstruction, 1861-1877
The American Civil War

Hopes she is having a merry Christmas. Got some sausage, apples, and soft bread for breakfast. Most of the company left for picket duty, but he stayed behind with Joseph and ten others. It has been very wet and cold for the past three or four days. It is a bit warmer today. Has been working at his shanty, but has the day off today. The new camp is about five miles farther from Petersburg than the old one. Just went to dinner; had some boiled rice . Feels "first rate." Has gotten some sores on his leg, including one "just below my knee" that hurt "a good deal." Got another letter on the 22nd that included his box. Had not received a letter for a long time before that. The envelopes inside got a little wet, but he was able to dry them off fairly well. The sausage was very good, but there were not many apples. Fried cakes were "first rate." Wants her to take his hat and send it down to camp. It should only cost a few cents more to ship. One of his acquaintances had been sent something similar and it only cost two cents to ship. Weather is "very nice today." Tells her that she "mustn't forget her Lord." Really wants to see Charles and Matilda. Has not had too much time to write, but as soon as the shanty is up he will have more time. Wants to see what she put in Joseph's box when it arrives.

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