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Jackson, Henry, 1747-1809 to Henry Knox

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Gilder Lehrman Collection #: GLC02437.00631 Author/Creator: Jackson, Henry, 1747-1809 Place Written: Boston, Massachusetts Type: Autograph letter Date: 31 July 1777 Pagination: 3 p. : address : docket ; 31.2 x 20.1 cm. Order a Copy

Reports that Lucy Knox, Henry's wife, left for Newbury Port (possibly Massachusetts), the previous Monday. Mentions an express from General [Israel] Putnam to General [William] Heath, in which Putnam attested the British sailed from the Hook (possibly Paulus Hook, New Jersey), but did not know where they were bound. General George Washington assumed they are bound for Philadelphia, but a letter from General [Alexander] McDougal to Colonel Sears in Boston states they may be sailing toward Boston. Notes that Sears's behavior, including his intention to flee Boston, has "fright'd all the old women in Town." Does not think the British will come to Boston, but instead expects them to sail up the North River (the Hudson), and attempt to lure Washington over the Delaware River. Reports on the capture and recapture of the Fox, a frigate. Complains of the difficulty of recruiting for his regiment. As in previous letters, expresses his wish that George Washington would write a letter to the State of Massachusetts to encourage assistance (possibly a draft). Expresses his disappointment that Knox might resign: "the greatest inducement of my go'g into the Army was because you was in it."

Knox, Henry, 1750-1806
Jackson, Henry, 1747-1809
Putnam, Israel, 1718-1790
Heath, William, 1737-1814
Washington, George, 1732-1799
Coudray, Phillippe du, 1738-1777
McDougall, Alexander, 1732-1786
Knox, Lucy Flucker, 1756-1824

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