Hammond, Horace J., fl. 1862-1865 to Eleanor Hammond

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9 April 1865
Hammond, Horace J., fl. 1862-1865
to Eleanor Hammond
Place Written
Appomattox, Virginia
3 p. : envelope Height: 21.1 cm, Width: 13.7 cm
Primary time period
Civil War and Reconstruction, 1861-1877
The American Civil War

Left camp and fought for four days. Took the South Side Railroad, Petersburg, and Richmond. Headed for Lynchburg, and marched 5 days straight. Formed a battle line and marched into battle again. This time, "when our army cam in sight old general Lee surrendered." "The rebellion is done." Thinks that he will be home in 2 or 3 months if not earlier. Will be home very soon. Saw [Nucum] Pierce today. "The rebels lay in plain sight of us. We lay up on a hill and they lay in the [howles]. Has stopped marching. Countryside is very nice; "every place is covered with peach trees and they are in full blossom." Asks her to give his love to everyone back home. Written at the Appomattox Court House.

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