Butler & Tanner "Our Darlings" the Children's Treasury

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March 28, 1885
Butler & Tanner
"Our Darlings" the Children's Treasury
Place Written

An issue of "Our Darlings" the Children's Treasury. Published as a weekly this issue seems to be from a dis-bound book of the publication. Included in the many stories is a biography of Hannah More. The other stories include: The Forest Home a story about a boy his older brother and their dog, this story included an engraving on the cover page of the scene described. The second story Judith the slave is a continuation from the last issue and notes that it will be continued in the next. The third story is called Stories told by Jesus. The fourth article is about a giveaway of a picture entitled playmate to be used as inspiration for a story to be submitted in a contest. The fifth article is entitled In The Coal-Celler. The sixth article is the biography of Hannah More. The seventh article is called The Tits about a family of birds, with an engraving of this story on the last page of this issue. The eighth article is called An Unruly Family about a family of cats. The last section is the results of puzzles from previous issues as well as new puzzles for readers to answer. Accompanied by JB00001 and JB00002.

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