Videos about Frederick Douglass

These videos and video clips feature historians and educators discussing Frederick Douglas’s life, legacy, and work. 

Short Clips (2–3 minutes)

Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln

This clip features historian David Blight giving a brief overview of the relationship between Douglass and Lincoln and their changing views on their goals for the nation. 

The Importance of Frederick Douglass

This clip features historian David Blight on the beginnings of Douglass’s career as an abolitionist orator and writer and his growth into one of the movement’s most important figures. 

Frederick Douglass on Lincoln and Reconstruction

This clip features historian Matthew Pinsker speaking on the changes in Douglass’s opinion of Lincoln between Lincoln’s assassination in 1865 and the end of Reconstruction in 1876. 

Gilder Lehrman Video Programming 

Inside the Vault: David Blight Discusses Frederick Douglass Documents

In this session of Inside the Vault, historian David Blight joined the Gilder Lehrman Institute’s curators to discuss his favorite documents by and about Douglass from the Gilder Lehrman Collection.

Inside the Vault: Frederick Douglass: Advocate for Equality

The Gilder Lehrman curators were joined by educator Mandel Holland and Hamilton cast member Marcus John to discuss four documents by Douglass in this session of Inside the Vault

Book Breaks: David Blight - Frederick Douglass: Prophet of Freedom

Historian David Blight sat down with the Gilder Lehrman Institute’s Book Breaks team to discuss his Pulitzer Prize–winning book, Frederick Douglass: Prophet of Freedom. A Book Breaks subscription (free to K–12 teachers and students in our Affiliate School Program and to college students and faculty) is required to access this video.