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Epperly, Christian M. (1837-1904) to Mary Epperly

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Gilder Lehrman Collection #: GLC02715.080 Author/Creator: Epperly, Christian M. (1837-1904) Place Written: Dalton, Georgia Type: Autograph letter signed Date: 15 January 1864 Pagination: 2 p. Order a Copy

Says that he has heard a rumor that the regiment will return to Virginia. Writes that he misses her greatly and discusses their future in heaven.

Christian Marion Epperly to Mary Epperly
James City Co, Virginia 27 April 1862
Document type, 2 pages

James City Co. Va April the 27 / 62
My Dear Wife this beautiful Sabbath morning
I now tak the presant as an oppertunity to write you a fiew hasty lines This leaves me well an I hope when thes fiew lines coms to hand they ma fin you well wee as yet stil stationd at the same plase we was when I wrote to you befor wee ar in about 5 miles from york Town an a bout 7 miles below Williams Burg right thout the too plases : Stuarts Briggade is Stationed here the hol wooch is full of men and hosses infact ther is nothing but a solid maze of men from here to york Town ther havt bin any fight here yet ther ma be a fight soon an they ma not be any fight stall ther is still some Picket fighting going on but not much damage dim ther is about 5 or 6 companys of artilary here at this plase I am sarrow to write to you that I expect wee ar bond for the war unless the mort draws som of ther spase that wee wont half to keep so many men in the field that wee wont doo that wee ma get honce in the cars of 3 or 4 month if it is the will of god to spar us to [text loss] that time rool round But I pray to god that this war [text loss] can to a case in som farm or mother you don't know half the harrows of this war an the distruckton of thing without you was here one moment you should see anuff to Satisfy your mind that wear is one of the most distressing things that ther is a better day coming when all whoo are tru and faithful to ther god ma enter into ther rest prepared for them from the foundation of the world Dear wife you must doo the best you can with our things an if you have got that many from Honet butt you must hire some boddy to doo your work if you have any thing you want to doo and tell Mr Foster if I don't get home befar harvest that I wont him to cut our grain [2] an help you all he can that I will pay him as much as any body else will if I am spard to return home again an if he bout made any ingagements with any body else I will depend on him to help as much as he can The weather has bin very disagreeable sins wee Ive bin here at this it has bin cool and cloudy the timber is begining to sput out right smart oak timber the leaves is just commenst showing a little our far has bin pretty rough sins wee have bin here I don't like this Survis very well infact ther havt any of our men that elns all that it ma be the best for us this company hant taken in a clos contact like an infantry company wee hatte fight when the enemy is a long distant off wee have bin dragged here an will half to bar with it the last we can I would give fifty follars to get to vollanteer an go when I want too if I could get to go My Dear Wife you musant forget to ask god to my guide and protecter an to give me strength and health to go throo all the hard ships that we half to go throo with Joseph is well an has bin sins wee have left home by saying we[text loss] soon as this letter comes to han me get a answ[text loss] from it befor wee leave this plase an write wheather you got the paper an stamps that I sent you by Mr. Huff S .Nothing mor at presant onely I stil Remain your Tru an devoted Husband Til
Direct your letter to Williams. Burg. Virginia
In the Car of Capt Pelham
Stuards Hars Artilary
C M Epperly

Epperly, Christian M., 1837-1904

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