Livingston, William, fl. 1769-1793 to Robert Livingston re: news of Livingston's son Robert

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Livingston, William, fl. 1769-1793
to Robert Livingston re: news of Livingston's son Robert
Place Written
Edinburgh, [Scotland]
1 p. : address Height: 37.4 cm, Width: 23.5 cm
Primary time period
Colonization and Settlement, 1585-1763
The Thirteen Colonies

William writes in order to forward news of the good health of young Robert Livingston. William describes a fire which destroyed the homes of 200 Edinburgh families two months previous, as well as Robert's progress in school ("he is threw the 5 declinations and comparisons he hath not a good memorie but a very good capacatie and understanding") and his hearing of the news that Margaret Livingston was involved with Samuel Vetch, a pairing William decries only if Robert has not granted his blessing. William completes his letter with news of his son James' return from sea after an arduous journey led William to believe that his son had perished. Docketed on address leaf.

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