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At the Institute’s core is the Gilder Lehrman Collection, one of the great archives in American history. More than 85,000 items cover five hundred years of American history, from Columbus’s 1493 letter describing the New World through the end of the twentieth century.

Coit, Charles M. (1838-1878) to his family

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Gilder Lehrman Collection #: GLC03603.301 Author/Creator: Coit, Charles M. (1838-1878) Place Written: Petersburg, Virginia Type: Autograph letter signed Date: 18 July 1864 Pagination: 2 p. Order a Copy

Writes an additional letter to include things he had forgotten. Requests a pair of cavalry boots and describes the type and size.

Camp July 18, '64
Dear All,
I have written a long letter to you to day which I send by same mail with a package of my papers but I have forgotton one thing. If you have not sent the valise before you receive this I wish George would buy me a pair of cavalry boots & send in the valise. I hope I am not asking you to spend for me more money than I ought & if you cannot well spare it dont buy the boots for such a pair as I want will cost from $12 to $15 & I can get along without them. If he buys I want nice sewed boots, size 8's, tops as high as the knee, not very heavy soles & tops as stiff as possible tho' the foot is the most important point. Dont get the shiny tops but have them grained (I think thats the name) leather throughout. I dont want any thing but a first rate well made pair for the cheap ones dont last at all & I had rather have the army shoes that I can get here. The clouds seem lighting up and as the ground is pretty well soaked & as we probably go to the front to- night I hope the rain is over.
I have the honor to be - very respectfully, Your obedient servant Chas

Coit, Charles M., 1838-1878

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