Damuth, Dolphus, fl. 1839-1913 to Maria Damuth

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GLC03523.14.48-View header record
February 2, 1864
Damuth, Dolphus, fl. 1839-1913
to Maria Damuth
Place Written
Pass Cavello, Texas
4 p. : envelope Height: 16.5 cm, Width: 21 cm
Primary time period
Civil War and Reconstruction, 1861-1877
The American Civil War

Writes to his sister. His brother, John, has enlisted and is joining Damuth's company. Damuth promises to make him comfortable, but admits that "it was hard enough for me to leave home but it is nothing compared with leaving a wife and five little ones." Confesses that "the war is a very dangerous undertaking." Twenty-seven men from his company have died since the start of the war. The men have been seeing rattlesnakes in Texas, including one which is six feet long. Writes of the hard work of his captain and says he "ought to be Major but others have rich and influential friends to work for them at home."

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